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Ken's eyes were as red as tongues of fire. He fixed them in the void as his teeth clipped his lower lips. His face covered with perspirations, and at intervals tiny streams of tears flowed down to his cheeks.

Ken loved his brother Henry. He was his elder brother and his only brother. Henry was the first child in the family of four; two girls and two boys, Henry was the eldest, while Ken was the youngest in the family. Ken and Henry had shared a great relationship when he was still alive. They were brothers and also friend.

Their father died very early, two years after Ken was was born. And their mother who was a house wife when their father died did not find it funny raising four kids on her own without a work or skill. Their father was a contractor, a civil engineer by profession who travelled from State to state, looking for contracts, sealing deals and completing projects.

He died the day after he secured the biggest contract of his life. After the entire family had celebrated with him, and he had to travel the next day to sign some papers. He left the house with a smile and never came back.
The news that reached Ken's mother was that her husband had died in a ghasty motor accident and she was being invited to come to the morgue to identify the body.

The joy they previously had turned sour. Young Ken did not know what was going on because; he was too tender to know what death meant.
It was his elder brother Henry that beared the brunts. He had no choice, he was all out with his mother hustling side by side to take care of the family responsibilities their dead dad left behind.

The only father that Ken knew was Henry. Henry was there for him even before he opened his eyes at birth; and was matured enough to reason.
And that was why it would impossible for Ken to forget Henry.

"Everything will be alright" Nathan said to Ken whose face was stone cold.
Luther tapped him in his shoulder.
"We are here for you brother, you will never be alone"
Ken lifted up his face and looked at them both.

"Someone killed my brother, and they said it was a snake bite to his neck. A snake? A snake in the middle of super developed city?" He cried bitterly as
they consoled him.

"The daughter of the ocean did that, her trail was remarkable" Luther said as Nathan nodded.
"How did you know?" Ken wondered.
"Remember our master Jaxburn told us that she is around the corner; the great serpent will share death as gifts among young promising men, and the fang will be to the neck; did you remember now?" Nathan explain. As Ken became suddenly sober.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Ken exclaimed slicing his indexed finger in the air. The tears in his eyes dried up immediately as he trembled.

"What do we do now" Ken whispered.
"We need to meet tonight in our chamber" replied Luther.
"And my brother was her first victim?" Ken lamented.
"The did has been done, get that. We are in the middle of war now, and we must win this battle" Nathan affirmed.
"How do we win the battle if we don't know whom our enemy is?" Ken inquired.

"Some how we will know, sooner or later" Luther opined. Ken picked his phone from his desk and dived into his picture gallery, browsed through it and clicked on his brother's death scene pictures. Henry was Stark naked on his bed with his two legs spread apart. He zoomed the picture and scanned to the neck region. They all concentrated on the bite on the neck. And it was so evident that it was a big snake bite.

"Poor Henry! If only she knew that your brother is a lion, she wouldn't have done this to you" Ken said with a voice missed with both emotions and revenge.
"She must pay for what she had done to your innocent brother" Nathan consoled him.

Twelve men in black cloak seated round a table with a shining sun-like image in front of them. They chanted strange song and then, there came a grave silence. Their eyes fixed to the image of the sun. And a voice came through from the sun-like image; a coarse and a fierce voice.

"My sister is finally here; breathing amongst us and causing havoc, the old deadly serpent. She has come to take what belonged to me and you"
He paused for a while and continued.
"We will not allow her and her disciples. We ruled both in the outer space and on earth. We are the ancient of the ancients, the energy and the life. We are the true children of the light" in unison they hummed a strange tone.

And the voice from the sun-like image proceeded. "We are the illuminators; we represents light, they are darkness and doom. And we must stop them" they all hummed the strange tone again and thereafter; silence captured the atmosphere.
"Lodge your complain if you have any" the voice came through.

Ken raised his both hand. "Come forward" said the coarsed voice. Ken stood and walked to the image and faced it.
"Speak" the voice cut through the air.
"I lost my brother to her, She killed my elder brother"
"And she will kill many more, but one thing is certain, the day of judgement is coming and they will not escape it. We sympathize with you and together we will avenge the death of your brother" Jaxburn said through the image as his disciples hummed the strange tone.

When they were done Ken walked back to his seat. Dominion raised his hands. "Step forward" Said Jaxburn. He walked to the image and stood. "Speak" said Jaxburn.
"I needed more miraculous powers, I have to become the greatest of their so called man of God. The competition amongst my colleagues is extreme" Dominion requested.

"Stretch out your palms" Jaxburn commanded. He stretched them out towards the sun image. And a small staff appeared and fell into his palms; he held it.
"Go! the staff is your way, as long as you have it in your position there is no miracle you cannot perform. And no man born of a woman can fight your ministry"
Dominion walked back to his seat. No other person raised hands. Then few seconds later. Jaxburn concluded.

"In the absence of nothing, this meeting has come to an end, you can now walk through me and shine the light to the entire mankind" they stood chanted their anthem, and one after the other they walked through the sun-like image to exit.

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