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The sea Waves roared from a distance, and flapped to the shores of the sea. Saxlim and Catherina had come to the beach as usual but this time on a different mission far from coming to see the beautiful blue sea and it's shores. The duo sat on the sand of the beach in their bikinis watching the endless enchanting sea. The other visitors of the beach frolic around, sunbathe and play around. "Now that I have known you, what next?" Catherina asked.
"It's like a book, page by page, you'll get to know me" Saxlim replied. Catherina chuckled.

"I promised to show you my kingdom" Saxlim said.
"Do you mean your Marine kingdom?" Catherina teased her, they both laughed.
"It's not funny, but yes, my Marine Kingdom" Saxlim replied.
"Let's go at once" Catherina demanded. Saxlim looked at her smiling for a couple of seconds.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.
"Wondering if you are ready" Saxlim clearified.
"I'm more than ready, shall we go now" Catherina's voice came again.

Before she could finished talking, Saxlim had stood up, dusted off the particles of sands on her buttocks and gave her hand in help to lift her from the ground, she took it and got up from the sand and they both walked towards the lonely side of the beach. When they where out from reach and sights of the people. Saxlim held her hand still, and walked into the sea, Catherina followed her lackadaisically. Saxlim led the way, held her hand while she walked behind her. When water got to the level of Catherina's shoulder she slouched and eventually stoped. Saxlim whom water had gotten to the level of her lower lips turned towards Catherina and asked, "What's going on?"
"Am so scared" replied Catherina.
"We have crossed the Rubicon now, no going back, my people already knew you were coming and they have prepared special gifts for you" Saxlim tried to convince her.
"I don't want to drown in the sea" Catherina cried.
"You are no longer a full time human being, water can no longer be able to kill you. You are half human and half marmaid" Saxlim hinted her.
Catherina tried to feel her feet and discovered that it was no longer the way it used to be. Her feet had glued together, she tried to force it apart from each other, but could not. She tried harder and lost her balance, and when she could not spread her legs to stop herself from falling. She fell into the sea and her entangled feet became tighter. Underneath the water she took a look at her feet and found out that it looked like the tail of a fish. The struggles she had made earlier to keep her feet apart made her lose breathe, and she was gassing out quickly and yet unable to get her head above the water and breath. She opened her mouth, water filled in and she spured it out. Yet trying to hold her breathe, when she could no longer hold her breathe, she breathed and found out that the salty water seemed like real oxygen. She thought in her head " am I really breathing under water?" And that was when she saw Saxlim in a full marmaid form. She beconed on her and swum, she followed her and they both went farther deep into the water.

She then realized that she was in another world called the Marine world. They swum passed so many beautiful sights: architectural designs of beautiful buildings she has never seen before in the world she came from. Eventually; she began to see marmaids swimming around and greetings Saxlim with respect as a royalty. And they got to a massive beautiful gate. The gate opened by itself and they swum in.
"Welcome to my kingdom" Saxlim said to her. She looked at her amazed and they both swum passed through the gate. Infront of the gate stood a magnificent castle, way more beautiful that any castle she had ever seen in her entire life. The castle glittered of gold and diamonds. Catherina's mind was blown away by the sight.
"Wow! This is so beautiful" she soliloquized. A group of royal maidens formed a circle around them and they all went into the castle. Saxlim went straight to her throne and sat. And beconed on Catherina to seat beside her. And the maidens gathered in front of them.
"Where is your mother?" Catherina asked.
"She ruled over the ocean, here is my kingdom, am fully in charge here, I will take you to my mother soon" Saxlim told her.
"Am famished, let's have some meal" Saxlim said, as she swum to the dinning; and Catherina followed her behind. When they got to the dinning, food has already being served. Different dishes, fishes, meats, vegetables and fruits, spread around the dinning table.

"All these meals for two of us?" Catherina asked.
"I ruled the world of abundance, no limits to anything I desire, and you can be too only if you can give yourself entirely to me" Saxlim assured her before she began to dish out her desired meals from the dish bowels, and Catherina followed suit. As they have their meal, the maidens waited and watched.

"Since you ruled this beautiful kingdom, what are you still looking for in that dirty world of mankind" Catherina wondered. Saxlim looked at her and smiled.
"That's a good question, and you will know that with time, just stick with me, they're alot of things I will reveal to you " Saxlim said. When they were done with meal, Saxlim said to her.
"Let me show you around" she swum out of the dinning and Catherina followed behind her with the maidens.

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