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Full moon and stars in the clear sky; Catherina walked solo in a lonely street in the middle of the night. She got to the junction where four roads met. Ahead of her stood a big black cat looking at her unperturbed, it's eyes shimmered against the bright street light. She stopped, and started glaring at the creature with summoned courage. The cat started walking towards her gently, her courage shivered but a part of her told her to stood her ground. So, she maintained her courage.

The cat took few steps and stopped. And before her full glare, the cat vaporized into a black smoke and transformed into a woman in a black garment with a hood.  Catherina still stood her ground. Then came sharp squawk from the strange being which got Catherina deaf at the moment. She covered her eyes with her both hands. Still looking at the fearful image infront of her.
"When did you bacome this courageous?" Said the creature.
"Who the hell are you and why are you frightening me?" Catherina yelled at the top of her voices.
"I am the daughter of the sea" The creature replied. As it's face shun brighter blinding Catherina, she bowed before her, closed her eyes and covered her face with her both hands.
"And what does the daughter of the sea want from a mere earthly mortal like me?" Catherina asked running out of breath. Different voices echoed mockery laughter at her.
"I want you to do my bid" the creature said to her. Catherina still blinded by her light screamed,
"What's your bid?"
"Respect; worship me and do as I said" the creature said.
"And what if I don't?" Catherina asked.
"Then, I'll have to kill you" the creature replied and then vanished.

Catherina frozen with fear, and couldn't move his feet, looking around, checking if she can see the creature that just disappeared. She felt a tap on her back, her heart melted into her stomach. Great fear took hold of her.
"Run" a coaxed voice echoed.
She picked a race not looking back until she got to a dark dead end on the street, unable to figure out what to do next. She heard hard foot steps approaching her, then a human shadow in a cloak closing in on her. She screamed, and jumped up from her bed; and checked the time it was 3:00 am in the morning.

She sat on her bed shivering over the nightmare she just had. The nightmare was so real that she could still remember the creature and the conversation they had. She knew that she doesn't dream often; and even when she had a dream it was hard for her to remember it in the waking life. strange breeze started to blow from the outside, whistling over the roof of the building. She remembered the creature she saw in her dream. Sudden fear took hold of her. She reached for her phone to search for Nathan's number and remembered that they have not exchanged contact.

The breeze came back again; her heart beat raced up she thought of running out of the room to sleep in Nathan's room. And a part of her heart told her that it's better for the creature to kill her in her room than for her to go and sleep in Nathan's room. She laid on her bed and covered her body with a blanket, and pretended to be sleeping, till 5:30 in the morning.

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