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After the early morning lectures, and as Catherina was coming out from the lecture hall she got blocked by her three anxious friends; Hellen, June and Saxlim, who have been trying to understand what was wrong with her because she has been acting strange, claiming that Saxlim was not an ordinary human being. And right now she stood face to face with Saxlim. The two stared at each other for sometime without even blinking nor saying a word.
"I got your message, last night" Catherina said.
"What massage?" Saxlim replied.
"The lonely street, the black cat, the black smoke, the creature in the black cloak, and don't pretend, oh! Daughter of the sea" Catherina cracked her.
"Daughter of the sea, and what does that mean? Hellen asked looking at Saxlim and then to Catherina.
"It was a clear message, I sent across so that you would know whom you are dealing with" Saxlim said. Catherina tapped her laps with both hands and screamed.
"I knew it, I knew it was you, but let me tell you, you cannot scare me" Catherina boasted.

"You have no Idea what I am, and what am capable of doing" Saxlim thundered, as her eyes turned redish in color. Both Hellen and June looked at each other puzzled.
"What's going on here" June asked. Before she could finish, Saxlim hushed her, and her voice ceased. She became momentarily dumb. She tried to control her tongue but it glued on the floor of her mouth. She tried to force herself to speak but sounded more like a dumb. Hellen became extremely confused and scared at the same time having seen what Saxlim did to June. She wanted to say something; but decided not to, applying caution, because she did not know what might happen to her next. She began to consider the words of Catherina last night when she was trying to tell them that Saxlim is not a human being.

Her feet stuck on the ground as well as that of June. Both of them could not control their sensory organs again. When June became aware that she was under a spell pointing at the fact she could not move her tongue nor her feet. She decided to relax her muscles by not trying to move any part of her body again.
"What did you want from me?" Catherina asked.
"Nothing but loyalty" she replied.
"What loyalty are you talking about" she inquired.
"That you may know whom your Lord is" Before she could finish speaking, Catherina laughed hysterically at her, and Saxlim stumped her right feet so hard on the ground, everybody within their environment freezed, unable to move.
"What did you just do?" Catherina asked.
"A living proof that am not a mere mortal" She whispered.
"Is that all you could do?" Catherina asked. "Did you want to see a little bit of my abilities?" Saxlim asked.
"Let me see something that could be worst than drowning and coming back alive" before she could finish talking, Saxlim pointed at her and both of them disappeared to the black void of the space, all that was visible there was stars and darkness, no gravitational force and they floated in the space facing each other.
"I can abandon you here for eternity and go back to the world and continue with my work" Saxlim's voice echoed.
"Don't even try it. All my life, I have been fantasizing of possessing supernatural powers" Catherina confided in her.

"Now you are talking. Catherina; you are the chosen one, even from birth, you are an exceptional mortal, highly gifted, if you can align with me, I'l help you unlock your potentials so that you can do all and be all that you will ever desire in this life, and in the end, I will reward you in my kingdom"
"Your kingdom?" Catherina asked.
"I will show you if only you will pledge your alliance with me" Saxlim demanded. Catherina looked her in the eyes for a couple of minutes; and slowly, she bowed before Saxlim and said. "Am at your service" Saxlim smiled, tapped her in the back and said.
"You are my first disciple, and I will make you the highest in my kingdom" She threw her hands up and they both reappeared from whence they disappeared. Saxlim clapped her hands and things within the environment became normal again, people started to move and talk again. Hellen and June looked at themselves and to Saxlim and Catherina.
"Let no one speak of anything that happened here, if anybody tries me, I will turn her to stone" Saxlim said. Both Hellen and June nodded.

"I will like to speak with you separately Catherina" Saxlim commanded. The two of them left, leaving Helen and June behind.
"Did you see that?" June asked.
"That was not normal, she is not a human being indeed" Hellen.
"Catherina was right all these while and we were too blind to see" June said.
"Am so scared, let's leave this place at once" Hellen requested. And they both walked away.

SHE CAN KILL FOR LOVETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon