chapter 6

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Mew pov ...

Sneaking inside this big mansion is filling like a getting into a hunted house everytime my god and that too i should be careful infort of sugar lips ... He always stick his eyes in on me everytime and you sugar lips wait and watch what i am going to do when my love gulf comes back ...

But any ways that voice make me fall in love with the person everytime I think about the song and voice too .... It's not i heard the song for Frist time but those voice is a magic ... Those voice should get a beautiful gift right ... What should I do for that huh ... Let me think ...

"Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time
But darling, just kiss me slow
Your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine"

Type:"Good song little mew ... But why are why standing thier and singing for a long time looking at the wall ..." I fucked up ... Turing my head to sugar lips voice i found him walking towards me ..

Mew:"Sugar lips don't you sleep huh ... " Let me try my luck... He caress my hair with a smile Before twisting my poor ears ...

Type:"You brat what time it's huh ...don't you feel not being suspended from college huh ... How can you be so cool huh and you have to complete what you have taken little mew ... Anyways did you eat anything huh ...." I pout my lips Before shaking my head ...

Mew:"I don't sugar lips ... I went out with my friends and i don't fell like eating anything... I am hungry right know sugar lips ..." My sugar lips is really cute when he smile ...

Type:"Come let's eat na little mew ... " He make me sandwich for me and his cooking is my favourite and he knows that I don't need to say it ..."

Mew:"Sugar lip na ... Little mew want to sleep with you na ..." I blink my eyes while he laugh at me ... I run towards his room before he give approve...

Tharn:"Oiii little mew ...what are you doing here at this time ... Go back to your room ..." I kicked my shoes Before laying down inbetween tharn and sugar lips ...

Type:'Let him sleep cockroach don't disturb my baby mew ..." I nod my head before hugging him which make tharn Chuckled...

Mew:"Remember tharn ... I am your little dada ..." He nod his head with a laugh before kissing me on head and sugar lips hug me from back and i love them all that's what I want and this make me love them more ...

Author pov ...

Everyday new think of giving gift to nat for his voice and he want to become close to him ... He keep walking back and forth while jeff and bible held thier head looking at him...

Bible:"Little mew stop right their for god sake ... Who in the hell gave you suspension from college huh ... "

Jeff:"Don't worry brother only two days to go and he going to touture the staffs again from beginning..." Mew glare at the. Before hugging bible with a sigh ...

Mew:"Dada what you give to the special person if you meet them for first time huh ..." Bible and Jeff look eachother Before closing thier laptop ...

Bible:"Did you meet someone special for you ... Who is the person mew huh..."

Mew:"Oh come on dada just tell me ...once everything ok I will tell you come on na what you give to build when you meet him huh ..."

Jeff:"I gave Scarlett bouquet and bible did the same ..." Mew kiss thier cheeks Before running out while they shake thier head ...

Bible:"Brat not even a single thanks for us ... "

Later at evening a guy delivered a bouquet to maid who brought it and look at the name and it's was for their little mew... She walk in and find type and tevis watching tv ... While mew walking down the stairs with a huge smile ...

Maid:"Sir type here a man delivered this to little mew ..." Type look a big bouquet on the maid's hand ...

Mew:"Oh it's arrived thank you sister and you can go and I don't need dinner because i am having dinner with my friends Tonight see you ... And you too sugar lips bye ..." Type look tevis who was crying looking at mew ...

Tevis;"I thought he got it for me papa ... He such a tease i thought he will be giving it to me saying that i am the best mama in this world ..." Tevis keep sobbing while type shake his head...

Type:"Tevis stop crying and your over reacting baby boy ... Let's see for whom he got it for baby ..."

Mew was got in time before nat start his performance and he keep looking at him while nat can see how mew was smiling looking at him and he find a bouquet at his hand and wonder for whom he brought it ...

Kinn:"I can see mew is here everyday... But what ever you say nat he is really good boy ... He never touched the alcohol infort of him ... " Nat nod his head while he find mew and jade arguing with eachother...

Mew:"Don't spoil my mood na sister please i just want to give this to the guy who sings Beautiful ❤️ ... please just once ..."

Jade:"I am sorry na baby boy ... But your not allowed to do that give me i will tell him that you have given this to him ..." Mew pout his lips and look at bouquet in his hand while he handover to jade ...

Mew:"Tell him that I like his voice so much and i am his biggest fan and i will visit him everyday with a bouquet and also tell him to show up infort of me ..." Mew run out while nat walks in and find the jade holding the bouquet...

Jade:"You got a crazy'fan nat... Here you go hope you Heard his statement..." She winks Before walking away ...

Nat:"Thank you so much mr Little mew..." Nat smile which make both kinn and Porsche surprise...


Spoiler ...

Daniel:"Excuse me boys ... Do you know mr nathaniel....he works here and he is my son..."

Mew:"Oh your prof Nathaniel father ... Nice to meet can go to staff room over thier but what why are here for sir ..."

Daniel:"I need money urgent for my wife ...she is in hospital and i need it urgently son ..." Mew smirk and look at Daniel infort of him ...


So hope you guys like this chapter ❣️....

Let's see in coming chapters sweethearts ❤️🥰❤️...

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