Chapter 26 - The Conference

Start from the beginning

"Well let's see, if you want to continue working for a reputed CEO like me, then yes." He was back to normal with his sarcasm, but this time I didn't understand it. 

"Huh?" I was confused.

"I mean, ok let's get going and I'll explain on the way."

"Ok so go on" I said after ten seconds.

 "Oh yeah, what I meant was, look at me right now, I'm a reputed CEO right?" he began.


"Well, if I don't go then everyone would wonder why and it would get all over the news that 'The world's top CEO doesn't attend an important conference' and there it goes, my reputation." He explained.

"But how are they going to find out?" I asked, it was a point to be noted.

"Are you sure that you are a topper? Or did you pay for your degree?" He asked sarcastically.

"Not funny." I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Ok child learn from me," he began, "The organisers know that we have checked in, so if we don't go to the conference and they find out that we weren't there, they will check if we are in Dubai or not and if we have checked in or not, duh." He completed with a shoulder shrug. But I still had a question.

"Why would they care? It's not like they've paid for our trip, have they?" 

"They have." He answered and shut me up for good. By now we were by the conference hall and he pulled the door – I was actually getting used to this 'gentleman' side of Rohan now – and I went in; he followed. We were allocated to our seats and we went and sat in our seats.

The conference room was like a university's lecture hall just on a larger scale and more fancy with more comfortable seats. We sat quite high up so I guess whoever was speaking was just going to be like an ant to us. I began to get out my pens and pad to draw, by the time I got them out the organisers started to flood in and the conference began. 


Two hours in and I was ready to fall asleep, Rohan's head was already on my shoulders and I wouldn't be surprised if he was already asleep. On top of that there was no sign of a break or a morning tea; I was starving to death. 


Wow, Ria's shoulders were quite comfortable. Anyways, two hours in and I'm about to fall asleep, I mean I've already begun by putting my head on her shoulders. It's been two hours and there has been no break! Even school classes or university lectures aren't this long! I was so over this conference, but I had handle this for the rest of the day and half of the day tomorrow and then there was a party, like a graduation ball at night. 

"We will take a break now and return to this conference in two hours." Said one the organisers. I swear those are the only words I've heard all morning!

"Rohan, Rohan are you awake?" Ria nudged me.

"Uh, yeah." I got up rubbing my eyes. 

"We aren't waiting here like we did in the flight so get up and let's go." She said putting in her pad that she'd draw various little creatures on. She got up and I followed her. 

She began pushing through the rest of the crowd just like a typical Indian.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I said to the poor people that she'd shoved aside. 

"Finally! Sunshine!" She said as we pushed ourselves outside the door. She spread out her hands and they went straight for my stomach.

"Ouchhh" I moaned. Unlike last time when she slapped me, this actually hurt.

"Oppps, sorry, sorry, sorry. I didn't know you were so close behind me, sorry." She apologised. 

"It's- it's ok" I said. I went over to a patch of grass and lay down on it. It was nice having sun shine on you after two hours of practically being jailed in a conference hall. Ria came and lay beside me.

"It's so nice to be out here in the sun after so long." She said. 

I turned to my side facing her, "Sure is."

"Do we have to go back in?" She complained. 

"You know what? I don't care; I'm not going back in there!" I said.

"Are you serious?"

"Hell ya! Let's go sightseeing!"

"Something like Paris?" She asked with a smirk. 

It was my turn to flirt, "Even better" I said with a smirk.


A/N: Hey guys! How y'all doing? Ok, I know I'm late again but I guess I only have one "excuse" which is actually not an excuse but the true reason behind not updating for ages and that's school Oh. My. God! It's taking over my life! Anyways, I know this chapter is kind of boring but don't you guys worry, there is a surprise coming up in the next chapter, I promise. Actually no, I swear on my unborn children that there is a surprise coming up in the next chapter that you all will love. Until then, Vote, Comment and Spread the word :*

- XOXO Yashriii  

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