Chapter 96

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Rory woke up as she heard Jackson talking to the twins. "Mommy's asleep so we have to be quiet." Jackson tells them.

"Not anymore." Rory says as the twins climb onto the bed with Jackson's help.

"Sorry I wanted to let you sleep in." He tells her as Rory smiles at him.

"Like that's possible with these two. But thank you for trying don't you have a big surgery today?" Rory asks him.

"Uhh yeah I'm reattaching a man ear I'm going to be late I should get going do you want me to take these two to the daycare?" He asks her as Rory helped the twins get either side of her.

"No I'm off today and I want to spend as much time with these as I can before junior comes along." Rory says looking at her kids and then at Jackson who was smiling at her.

"Okay if you need anything call me." He says kissing her lips as she kisses him back.

"Yeah I will do. Say bye daddy." Rory says to the twins.

"Bye dadda." Everly shouted as she hugged Jackson before he leaned over and kisses Parker head.

"Bye bye daddy." Parker said as Jackson smiled leaving his family in bed as he headed to the hospital.
Rory was making the twins breakfast as her phone rang as she lifted to her ear answering it. "Hello Dr Karev who is this?" Rory asks them not recognising the number.

"Rory it's Derek I left my phone in D.C. I've got my work phone." Derek tells her.

"And where are you?" Rory asks him slightly confused.

"I'm at home in Seattle with the kids what are you doing today?" Derek asks her as she picks Everly up placing her in her high chair.

"I'm feeding my kids and then probably taking them to the park." Rory says to them.

"Fancy some company?" Derek said to her as Rory put Parker in his high chair and gave the twins their breakfast.

"Yeah sounds good come by the house in an hour." Rory tells him.

"Yeah I'll just get the kids sorted." Derek tells her.

"Okay I should go make sure these two aren't throwing food at each other." Rory tells him as Derek laughs.

"See you soon." Derek says putting down the phone as Rory went to eat her own breakfast and get the twins ready.
Rory finished putting on the twins shoes as there was a knock at the door. She opened the door as Zola ran towards her. "Hey zozo." Rory says smiling at the little girl.

"Auntie Rory." Zola said smiling as she picked her up.

"Your getting so big and mr Bailey look at you." She says putting Zola down as she runs over to the twins.

"It's good seeing you in person." Rory says to her best friend as he wraps an arm around her as she hugs him back.

"It good to see you too Rory. I see Avery is in full dad mode." Derek says looking at the boxes of furniture for the new baby.

"Yeah he is and some of this is what Catherine sent over." Rory tells him as she puts the twins in their stroller.

"Well aren't you two just getting bigger and bigger." Derek says looking at the twins as he tickled them.

"Don't remind me they grow out of their clothes like every month." Rory says as Derek smiles at his best friend.

"Shall we get going?" Derek asks taking Zola's hand and pushing baileys stroller as the headed to the local park.
Rory and Derek were pushing the kids strollers while Zola was running around in front of them. "So who picked up your phone?" Rory asks him as he looked at her.

"You know about that?" He asks her slightly taken back.

"Yeah it was all Meredith could talk about yesterday and now suddenly your here. I know that if it was a women who picked up Jackson phone and he turned up not hours later it would be because he had done something." Rory says looking at Derek.

"It was my research assistant. She picked up my phone I left it. I came home to work on my marriage and to be a dad to my kids. I'm tired of watching Zola and Bailey grow up on a computer screen." Derek says to her.

"I get that I mean they aren't even babies for two minutes before their walking, talking people with their own personalities. But you didn't see Meredith yesterday the concern of what is meant that women picking up your phone. It could of been anything." Rory told him.

"I know but let's talk about something else how did your appointment go yesterday?" He asks her as Rory just went with it not wanting to push the subject.

"Yeah there's definitely only one baby this time but they are healthy with a strong heartbeat. Just how we like it." Rory says as they continued to catch up on their lost time.
Rory bathed the twins and got them ready for bed as she gave them their stuffed animals before turning out the light and closing the door quietly.

She headed downstairs as Jackson walked through the door. "Hey." She said smiling at him as he looked at her.

"Hey the twins in bed?" He asks her a small smile on his lips.

"Yeah they went out like a light." Rory tells him as he nodded wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asks her as Rory shook her head at him. "And what would you like to eat?" He asks her.

"Chinese food." Rory mumbled with her head resting on his shoulder.

"Whatever my wife want she gets. How about I order the food? And then we take a shower and eat the food in the bed because I just want our bed and you right now." Jackson says as Rory looked up at him.

"And Chinese food?" She asks him as he chuckled at her slightly.

"Yeah and Chinese food." Jackson said as Rory leaned up and kisses him before heading upstairs as he ordered the food before joining her.

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