Chapter 133

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"An education consultant is making a visit to observe and assess our program?Who is Dr. Eliza Minnick?" Rory questioned her husband as he held her hand walking into the hospital.

"Never heard of her." Jackson says shrugging his shoulders. Jackson leaned down kissing his wife before a small cough pulled the couple apart.

Catherine smiled at her son and daughter in law. "Sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to check I'm still having the children tonight?" Catherine says as Jackson rolls his eyes.

"Yes mom our children are all yours tonight. Now what's this email about?" Jackson says before Catherine was the one to roll her eyes.

"Don't be so nosy." Catherine said before walking away as Jackson scoffed looking at his wife.

"How can she say that to me?" Jackson says offended as Rory laughs kissing her husband. The Avery couple headed to the attending's lounge.
"Okay, why are we in the clinic?" Arizona asked as Jackson followed her dragging his wife with him.

"The hospital has eyes." Maggie says confusing them.

"Well, whatever it is, just make it quick.No residents this morning really screwed up my schedule." Jackson complained wrapping arms around Rory's waist and standing behind her.

"My poor baby." She mumbled kissing his jaw as he rolled his eyes while she smirked at him.

"Look, I found this.It's Minnick's notebook.Well, it's not so much her notebook as it is a notebook that she wrote in and left behind." Maggie explains to them.

"Stealer." Rory says slightly impressed watching Maggie.

"You can't be in here.I get in trouble when you guys are in here.No, get out!" Alex snapped at them.

"All right, no problem." Jackson says going to walk away as Rory held his arms around her waist.

"No, no, no. Just hold on. Look.It's a list.The attendings' names... ranked.The residents sold us out." Maggie says showing them.

"What?" Arizona says to looking at the notepad.
"Where am I on it?"

"I don't know, but I'm at the bottom of the list.I have never been at the bottom of any teacher's list." Maggie complained as Jackson looked over Rorys shoulder. "I am a top-of-the-list person." She says to them.

"Turns out, so am I. Look at that." Jackson says pointing to his name at the top of the list.

"I'm not even on there." Arizona says to them.

"So what? Neither am I." Alex shrugged handing the notebook to his sister.

"Well, of course you're not.Because you're not... Because you work in the clinic now, and you're not..." Arizona says looking at Alex awkwardly.

"Ah your still second to me." Rory says smiling at her husband who shook his head at her.

"You always were better than me. I'm used to it by now." Jackson shrugged at her. He always wanted Rory to succeed no matter what.

"Nope. No more. Get out." Alex said watching as Amelia walked in.

"Maggie, you paged?" Amelia asks them looking at the head of cardio.

"Yeah, Minnick ranked the attendings in order.
There's a list." Maggie says to her.

"Guess where I am." Jackson says with confidence while Rory chuckles at him.

"That's it?I have a patient with a possible spinal fracture. You paged me "911" to look at a list?" Amelia says looking at her sister.

"At least you're on it." Arizona grumbled looking at them.

"Who the heck is Emilio Shepherd?" Amelia exclaimed causing Rory to chuckle at the neurosurgeon.
Rory laid on the couch flicking through the channels as Jackson walked in. Rory looked over at her husband before he held up at bag of food. "Ah Dr Avery a man after my own heart." She says smiling before taking the bag and heading into the kitchen.

"Not even a thank you or a kiss." Jackson groans while Rory smiles at him.

"I'll thank you properly after I've eaten." Rory winked at him before Jackson smiled grabbing his own food.
Rory stood watching Maggie's surgery before looking at her brother. "She just keeps pushing." Rory mumbled as the residents watched her.

"You seem just as pissed as Webber that's she here." Alex said while Rory looked at him.

"Bailey and Catherine think we're stupid. She's here to change the residency program. The program we grew up in that made us the surgeons we are with people like Robbins and Shepherd. It's an insult to Webber he made this and he made us. So yeah I'm pissed." Rory said walking out of the gallery.
Rory carried Tommy down the stairs as Jackson was sat watching the football game. She placed Tommy next to Jackson who looked at his son.

"Isn't it a little past your bedtime?" He asked while Tommy looked up at him with a smile. One that in fact matched his mothers. "He looks just like you when your trying to get something out of me." Jackson says as Rory scoffs.

"You mean like Everly when she gives me them big green eyes just like you do when your not getting any." Rory smirked sitting beside her son.

"Your funny. How come he's up?" Jackson says looking at his son who was cuddled into his side.

"He woke up I think he had a nightmare. Now who's winning?" Rory says leaning over to steal a slice of Jackson's pizza.

"Your lucky I love you." Jackson mumbles while Rory smiled at him.

"I'd say your the lucky one. I carried these." Rory says pointing at Tommy who was watching the tv.

"You win that one." Jackson said before leaning over and kissing her while she quickly kissed him back.

"I knew I would. You love me too much to disagree." She says before watching the game while Jackson chuckles laughing slightly.

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