Chapter 144

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Rory was still in surgery before her phone went off while on of the nurses picked it up. "Dr Karev it's your husband." The nurse called out before Rory looked at her.

"What does it say?" Rory asks before trying to focus on her patient.

"A code orange has been called and he asks where you are? Would you like me to reply Dr Karev?" She asks looking at the surgeon.

"Yeah just tell him I'm in still in surgery." Rory said quickly before focusing on the patient and the surgery.
Rory felt the O.R shake before the alarm began ringing out. She cursed quietly before looking at the nurses and staff in the O.R. "If you want to go then you should they'll be evacuating people soon. But you need to go now." Rory said while some sat add left while a couple of the nurses remained.

Rory continued to work on her patient as the door opened as she looked up to see Meredith as she furrowed her eyebrows at them. "Have you not heard the alarm the fire is on the floor above is." Meredith exclaimed to them as she looked at her friend.

"I'm in his brain Meredith. He's too unstable to move we need to get control of the bleeding or he'll die. I'm working as fast as I can but I ain't leaving him." Rory says as Meredith looked at her.

"What can I do?" Meredith asks her while Rory looks up at her.

"Riggs is in the O.R. across the hall he might need a hand I've got it under control here I'll be able to stop the bleeding and then I'll close him up but he had an lobectomy." Rory says as she continues to work as Meredith looks at her before going to help Nathan.

A few minutes later a firefighter walked in as Rory groaned. "This floor is supposed to be clear. You need to evacuate." The firefighter told them as Rory looked at him with a slight glare.

"I'm in a man brain. If I leave him then his brain will bleed and he will die. I just need to get him stable enough from transport" Rory says to them as she finds the source of the bleeding. "Bovie." She says as the firefighter looks at them.

"How long do you need?" He asks looking at the neurosurgeon.

"15 minutes." She tells him as the firefighter nods at her.

"15. No more." He says to them. "Have any of you seen a missing girl she's got brown hair. She's about 8 years old and her names Erin." The firefighter asks as Rory looks at him.

"No sorry I haven't." She says as she continues to work on the bleed and get the man stable enough.
Rory hurried out of the hospital before finding April. "Have you seen Jackson?" She asks looking for her husband.

"He was looking for Stephanie. The rapist was her patient. He's not back yet?" Maggie asks joining the two of them

"No! Of course not." April snapped worried for her best friend before Rory looks at her.

"Typical." She snapped growing frustrated at her husband antics and getting a sense a deja vu from the bus fire.

"Typical?" Maggie questioned April and Rory with a look of confusion.

"Yeah, he ran into a burning bus once to save a child.He's the kind of guy that runs into a fire, apparently." Rory says before April sent her a reassuring glance.

"I'm sure he's fine." April said looking at Rory knowing the worry she went through last time.

"Yeah. Me too." Maggie says looking at his wife and best friend.
Rory finished checking up on some of the patient before she heard commotion behind her. She saw April and Maggie shouting at Jackson while he was on oxygen. "We have been looking for you!
You scared the crap out of me!" April shouted at him.

"That's what happens when you don't listen and...
And instead you inhale an entire hospital full of smoke!" Maggie snapped at him.

"Ow. Watch it." He said to them both before Rory joined them while his eyes landed on her.

"Stupid heroics!" Maggie says to him while he looked at the three of them.

"I was trying to help her." He tried to reason with them.

"You are a surgeon,not a firefighter!" April snapped at him while Rory stood silent not knowing what to say to him.

"I wasn't trying to fight a fire, all right?!" He snapped back before seeing the expression of fear and disappointment on his wife's face. "Rory-" He tried to call out before she shook her head at him.

"I'm not doing this again. I told you once I don't need a hero and I meant it. Now more than ever you have three children! What would I have told Everly, Parker and Tommy?! What about me? What would I have told your mom?! I've got patients who need me." Rory shook him off before going to help where she could while Jackson tried to stop her.
Catherine had picked up the kids from Lucy, who had watched them overnight while Jackson and Rory were helping out. As Everly spotted her mommy, she couldn't contain her excitement and ran towards her, calling out, "Mommy!"

Rory welcomed her daughter with open arms, embracing her tightly. The boys quickly joined in, and Rory made sure to give each of her children a warm hug. Looking up, she locked eyes with Catherine, who had a loving smile on her face.

Everly's eyes lit up as she noticed Jackson, and she dashed towards him. Jackson scooped her up, showering her with affection. Rory, still holding the boys, couldn't help but feel a surge of relief. Parker joined Everly while he hugged Jackson.

Meanwhile, Tommy, with his adorable laughter, caught Rory's attention. She gently picked him up, showering him with kisses on his rosy cheek while softly stroking his hair. Catherine, sensing the need for privacy, left them alone and went off to find Bailey and Webber.

As the twins curiously explored the magazines, Jackson embraced Rory and Tommy. In that tender moment, Jackson realized the danger he had put himself in and what his action could've meant for his family. He mumbled his apologies looking at his wife.

Rory's eyes shifted from Tommy to Jackson, filled with a mix of worry and love. She spoke with a tremor in her voice, expressing her deepest fears. "Jackson, we've already lost so many people. I can't bear the thought of losing you too. I know you want to help Stephanie, and I admire that about you. But I can't fully comprehend the risk of losing you."

In that moment, Jackson's love for Rory shone through. He reassured her, his words filled with conviction. "I'm right here, and I'm not going anywhere. I love you, and you're not losing me." Their lips met in a tender kiss, a silent affirmation of their unbreakable bond. Rory understood that Jackson's intentions were driven by his desire to save Stephanie, and she wasn't angry with him. But the fear of losing him outweighed everything else in that moment.

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