Chapter 106

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"Why do people constantly feel the need to kill their arteries?" Maggie says to her sister.

"Are they here yet?Oh, did I miss it? Tell me I didn't miss it." Callie says to Meredith.

"Nope." Meredith says to her.

"I almost forgot." Maggie says to them.

"I can't wait to see the beads of sweat on their freaked-out little faces." Callie says as Rory and Alex join the group of women.

"Oh, man. Did we miss it?" Alex asks them.

"Nope. Nope." They tell them.

"I want to see someone crap, actually crap." Alex says as Rory pulls a face at her brother

"Seen it, smelled it.Not as fun as you'd think." Callie says as Rory shoved her brother smiling as Alex looks at her confused.

"It's happening!The baby chicks and ducks are here!" Arizona says excitedly as she walked past the group.
All the attending sat as they mouthed every word of Richards speech which he told every year. "They look stupid." Alex says making his sister laugh as she looks at the new interns.

"They look like babies.Were we ever that young?" Rory says as she looks at all of their fresh faces and then her friends.

"They're so well rested." Ben says to them.

"And stupid." Alex says adds.

"And eager, like puppies." Meredith says looking down from the gallery.

"No, not like puppies.Chicks and ducks.Chicks and ducks." Maggie and Arizona says together.

"When did we start calling them that?" Meredith says to them as she looks at each of them.

"You've been gone for a year." Alex says to her as she turns her attention back to the interns.

"Left to their own devices, they would drown.." Arizona says as Callie looks at them.

"And take the patients down with them.God help us all." Callie says as they all watch the interns.
Rory was carrying Thomas as Alex caught up to her looking at his nephew confused. "Hello baby who should be in daycare." Alex says as Rory rolls her eyes.

"He wanted his mommy so he got her now did you want anything?" Rory asks her brother as he pulls faces at his nephew making him laugh.

"Yeah where's your husband? No one's seen him." Alex asks as Thomas snuggled closer to Rory falling asleep on her.

"He's with his mom said something about being her man of honour or something I don't know. But he's got the day off for the wedding." Rory says as her phones goes as does Alex's.

The two sibling share a look as Alex looks at his sister. "I'll run him up to the daycare and meet you at the E.R." Alex says to him sister taking his sleeping nephew as he headed upstairs as Rory headed to the E.R.
Rory walked out with Meredith and Bailey looking confused at the other doctors. "What's going on?" Rory asks her brother.

"Why aren't the ambulances unloading?" Meredith asks them.

"Because they aren't ambulances.They're freakin' hearses.All the patients are dead.What the hell happened out there?" Alex says walking in as Rory followed him.

"A tunnel on 99 collapsed during rush hour.The north entrance completely caved in,trapping nearly 20 vehicles under the rubble." Owen tells his doctors.

"Do we know how many victims?" Amelia asks him.

"They're trying to get people out as fast as they can.But for now, we're just waiting for them to find someone with a pulse." Owen tells them.

"How many dead?" April asks from beside Rory as they all looked at Owen.

"Thirteen fatalities so far." Owen tells them as Rory shook her head.

"God." Rory mumbled as she shared a look with Owen.
Rory was checking over the Neuro patients as Jackson caught up to her. "Hey I thought you were on field rotation?" Jackson says walking with Rory.

"I was but I sent Amelia instead. Thought I could be more help here." Rory told him as she checked her tablet for her next patient.

"Hey are you okay?" He asks her turning Rory to face him as she gave him a small smile.

"I'm fine don't worry. Go save some lives." Rory said pecking Jackson on the lips as they both headed to their patients.
Rory was in back to back surgeries as she was working on the Neuro cases. Rory finished with her last surgery as she walked out of the room stretching her neck as Catherine stood with her. "Hey sorry about your wedding." Rory says to her mother in law.

"Hey it can always be rearranged and what sort of a wedding day would it be without a mass casualty." Catherine says making Rory smiles at her slightly.

"Well I'm sure it'll be great whenever it is. Hard to believe I've been married to Jackson for three years feels like yesterday and the best gift of all pregnant with twins." Rory says as Catherine chuckles at her daughter in law as the two sat down on the bench.

"How are you doing?" She asks Rory looks at her playing with her hands.

"Honestly some days are still harder than others today I couldn't go to the sight I was just scared of getting flashbacks or reopening old wounds. I keep having nightmares of the plane crash too and it always feels so real. Dr Carr is great he's really helping." Rory says to Catherine.

"But somethings just take time to heal from. We're all here for you. If you need someone to take the kids or just to talk to who isn't Jackson or your brother I'm here." Catherine says as Rory smiles at her.

"Thank you." Rory says as Catherine hugs her.

Rory hugs her back. "We're family we look out for one another. You'll always be my daughter no matter what. Your a great mom to my grandchildren and a great wife to Jackson. I see how much he loves you and how much you love him. What the two of you have is rare and special. You've got this way of understanding each other that no one else can." Catherine says as Rory smiles at her.

"I got lucky you've got an amazing son and I couldn't wish for anyone better to share my life with." Rory says as Catherine nods at her.

"Well he got pretty lucky too." Catherine says as Rory's smile grows slightly.

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