Chapter 52

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"The cameras are not here to spy on you.They are here to supplement you.On the other side of
the camera is a remote physician,an extra set of eyes to help reduce mistakes,improve patient care,
and maximize physician hours..." Cahill tells them as Rory rolls her eyes as Jackson smiles at her wrapping an arm around her.

"All right. Let's move on then.As you can see,
this O.R. has been arranged with maximum efficiency,specifically for O.R. turnover.Now what are the main causes for bottleneck?The layout of O.R. supplies,equipment, and instruments.So what we have done here..." Cahill continues as Rory yawns at her as Jackson laughs slightly pressing a kiss against her head.

"Closing the E.R. should cut down on time.We won't have any patients." Cristina says to them.

"How's Hunt feel about that?" Jackson asks her.

"Oh, he says he's not gonna do anything about it
until it actually happens." Cristina tells them.

"Oh, it's happening." Rory says from beside her.

"And he can't be a trauma surgeon without an E.R.
Is he gonna leave town?'Cause if you go with him, I'm screwed.I'm kind of depending on your rent check." Alex says as Rory glare as him and pushes him.

"Way to make this all about you." Cristina says to him.

"The E.R. is not going to close.Derek has a plan." Meredith says as Rory looks at her.

"Where is Derek?" Rory asks her.

"He spent the night with Kepner." Meredith says as Alex and Jackson share a look as Rory rolls her eyes at the both of them.
Rory groans as Jackson looks at her. "Your babies love to kick." Rory says as Jackson looks at her placing a hand on her bump.

"They're our babies." He says kissing her lips as she looks up at him.

"They're your babies when there this lively." Rory says as Jackson smiles at her.

"Hey babies why won't we give mommy a rest. She's got to help lots of people today so give her a rest." Jackson says to her bump as she smiles at him slightly.

"I didn't think I could be more in love you but you continue to make me love you more everyday." Rory says as Jackson smiles at her and kisses her as she kisses him back as her pager goes off as she groans.

"I love you too." Jackson says to her as she smiles at him before going to see to her patient.
"Yeah, Hunt, I got your page.You're worried about a brain bleed?" Rory asks him as she walks in.

"Yeah, we didn't get a chance to do the scan.His carotid blew." Owen says as Rory nods her head.

"Is that Kepner?" Rory asks him not noticing her friend.

"Cahill. Dr. Karev, hi." Alana says as Rory looks at her.

"So instead of telling us how to do our jobs, now you're just doing them?" Rory says making a comment as Owen looks at them both.

"That would be more efficient." Alana says to her as Rory rolls her eyes.

"No, she was in the right place at the right time.
She probably saved his life." Owen says to Rory.

"I got lucky." She says as Rory does her Neuro checks.

"Lucky for this guy his chain saw slipped today. Tomorrow he'd be dead already." Rory tells them.
Rory sits laughing at Jackson as he tells her about what happened in the O.R with Cahill. "Only you Jackson. Only you." Rory says laughing as he laughs slightly himself.

"Let's hope our kids don't get my stupidity." Jackson says as Rory laughs even harder at him.

"Well at least you've got your good looks going for you." Rory says as Jackson acts offended.

"It that all you think I am a pretty face?" Jackson asks his wife as she leans over and kisses him.

"I love your pretty face. And the rest of you including your stupidity." Rory says as Jackson hums as he kisses her back.
Rory walked in to the apartment as she saw Jackson making dinner as he smiled at her. "Hey how was your walk?" He asks her as she sits at the island in the kitchen.

"Yeah it was nice. What are you cooking?" Rory asks him as he smiles at her.

"I am making pizza. It'll be ready soon." Jackson says as Rory nods at him.

"I'm going to take a shower then." Rory says as she leans over and pecks Jackson on the lips as she goes to their bedroom.
Rory laid on the couch as she rest her head on Jackson's lap as he was watching a game on the tv as she scrolled on her phone.

"Hey what do you think of this house?" She asks him as she holds her phone up.

"The garden looks nice and it's got four bedroom, office space and the kitchen looks huge. I think we should check it out." Jackson says looking at Rory.

"Okay I'll email them and see if we can go view it this week." Rory says as April walks in as she looks at the couple on the couch.

"Hey Apes we saved you some pizza it's on the counter." Jackson says as he looked at his best friend as she gave him a grateful smile.

April grabbed her plate as she sat on the chair beside the couch as she looked at them. "Cahill is trying to sell the hospital." April says as Rory looks at her and then at Jackson.

"How can she do that?" Rory asks looking at them.

"It's the only way to keep the hospital open no one can do anything about it." April says as she watches the game as Rory lays looking up at the ceiling as she runs a hand across her bump.

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