Chapter 59

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"No, she's her patient. She should know." Bailey snaps at Meredith.

"Leah checked all the charts.She was only on two of the patientsThat got the infection. She never touched the third one." Meredith explains to them all as they all looks up at her.

"What, is that supposed to reassure me?A woman just died." Bailey says to Meredith.

"It couldn't have been Leah.The only doctor who touched all three patients was you."Owen says to her.

"We're gonna need to get legal down here." Jackson says as they all look over at him.

"Wait. Any... anything could've caused this kind of infection." Bailey says to them.

"Yeah, no...Well, we know that, but until there's an investigation..." Arizona says to her.

"No, um, I gotta go,'cause I have two more people..." Bailey says to them.

"Owen?" Richard says looking up at Owen.

"Dr. Webber will deal with them."!Owen says at Richard leaves.

"Yeah, this is Dr. Avery.Get me Joelle Geller from legal down here,conference room two." Jackson says down the phone.

"I will...go over my notes." Bailey says to them.

"Sit down, Dr. Bailey." Owen says to her as the board members watch.

"No. M-my patients are in danger." Bailey says to him.

"Dr. Webber will take care of them." Owen tries to tell her.

"I haven't even told Joyce's husband that she didn't make it.W...I know the man!I don't need Grey to tell him that I killed his wife!" Bailey shouts as they all look at her.

"Dr. Bailey, please sit down." Owen says to her.

"What are you saying?" Bailey asks him

"I'm just asking you to sit down." Owen says to her as they all look at each other.
"We are throwing Bailey under the bus." Callie says as she looks at each of them as they sat discussing the issue.

"Come on. That is not what we're doing." Jackson tells her as he makes himself a coffee.

"Yeah, it seems like that's exactly what we're doing." Cristina tells them.

"Two of our patients are dead of the same post-op infection.A third one's barely hanging on.It was time.We get the CDC In here and figure this thing out." Jackson says to them.

"By treating Bailey like a criminal?She hasn't done anything." Meredith says to Jackson.

"I hope that you're right.The truth is, we don't know that yet. CDC is simply asking us to temporarily freeze Bailey's files." Jackson explains to them.

"Oh, come on." Derek mumbles.

"And that we not discuss this investigation with her.So today, just keep your distance." Jackson tell them.

"That is ridiculous." Cristina says to him.

"Also I think now's the time to put out a statement." Jackson tells them

"No, no.No. About what?" They all say to him.

"I mean, we don't even know if Bailey's the source of this thing." Arizona says to him

"If one of ours is at fault and we just sit on this information,we look like we're trying to cover something up. The only way to let the public know that we can be objective is by being transparent." Jackson explains to all of them.

"Vote?" Callie suggest to them.

"I'm just saying, people should learn the news from us." Jackson says to them.

"There's no news." Derek says to him.

"Okay, vote?" Callie suggest as Rory looks at them.

"We don't have any real facts right now this could all be a misunderstanding. Bailey is still one of us and CDC need to do their investigation so no one say anything about this. It doesn't leave this room we let them do what they need to and we cooperate then when we have actual facts we'll discuss what happens next. Now we've got patient to go see." Rory says as she looks at Derek as he nods following her.
"Coming through. Clear the way!" Rory shouted as them as she continued the compressions.

"Karev?" He asks looking at Rory.

"Her pupil's blown.She's re-hemorrhaged.I need to get her to an OR." Rory says to him.

"What the hell happened?" He asks her.

"I'll let you know when I know. Someone page Dr Shepherd." Rory says to them.

"Okay, let's go.I'll see you up there." Owen says to her as Rory nods her head.

Rory got off the elevator as she saw Derek and Owen as she shook her head as the patient didn't make it.
Bailey..." Arizona says as they all look at the door.

"Oh, Dr. Bailey, you should not be here right now." Jackson says to her.

"This is about me.I'd like to hear it." Bailey says to them as most of them smile at her.

"That's your call." Rory tells her.

"We have a protocol for a reason." Jackson says to his wife as she glared at him as he nods. "Fine you can stay." Jackson says as they all return to the conversation.

"Staph aureus usa600 is an antibiotic-resistant infection with a range of symptoms from simple skin rashes to fatal sepsis.We have traced the source of the infection to one doctor.Dr. Miranda Bailey is a carrier of mrsa usa600. But the real culprit here is the gloves.Records show the surgical gloves in use at the time of outbreak, March 15, shipped from the manufacturer Hemming Synthetics Incorporated." He explains to all of them.

"We switched to Hemming's gloves when Pegasus was here." Owen tells them as they all look over at him.

"Our testing reveals manufacturing defects. Microscopic tears in the gloves, which facilitated the transmission of staph usa600 to Dr. Bailey's patients. It is the CDC's determination, were it not for the defective gloves, the patients in question would not have been infected. As for Dr. Bailey, we recommend eradication measures before she can go back to any kind of patient care." He explains to them as they all smile at each other with relief for Dr Bailey.

"All right.Thank God.Best possible outcome." They all say as Bailey walks out of the room.

"Here are copies of our report. The CDC thanks you for your time and cooperation.And please...Feel free to call my office if you have any questions." He says as he hands the files to Jackson.

"Thank you." Owen and Callie say.
Rory finished getting changed out of her scrubs as she smiled seeing Jackson as he walked over and kisses her as she kisses him back. "Bad day?" She asks him.

"Exhausting day let's go home and eat take out or something." Jackson says wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they headed to the car.

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