Chapter 73

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Rory was dancing with Jackson as she saw Derek and Meredith talking as they danced together as Meredith didn't seem happy. "We need to go now." Alex says looking at his sister as he walked over with Jo.

"What? Where?" Rory asks him confused as Jackson looked at the three of them.

"There's something going on with Jimmy it's urgent Rory." He says as Rory looks at Jackson.

"You I'll tell April she'll understand." He says to her as Rory nods as she kisses him quickly before heading off with Alex and Jo.
"I want him fired!" Alex says growing angry.

"Karev..." owen says looking at Alex.

"I want him arrested! Can't you do anything about it you own the damn place." Alex says looking at his sister as didn't look up.

"Webber is watching over your father like a hawk.
His vitals are stable, and we're gonna do our best
to keep it that way, okay?" Owen tells them. "What the hell was this kid thinking?" Owen asks Richard.

"He wasn't thinking." Richard says to them.

"Yeah, no kidding." Jo says as Rory finally looks up.

"He was hallucinating.He had no idea what was happening.He thought the patient on the table was Heather Brooks." Richard says to them as Rory looked at them confused.

"Oh, my god." Leah says looking at them.

"What?" Owen asks her.

"He showed me how to fudge your hours in the system so you can continue working without having to sleep." Leah tells them.

"For god's sakes..." Owen says as Rory and Alex looked at Jimmy.

"I'll find him." Leah says as she walked away.

"Cristina's on her way. She's gonna..." Owen says as Rory and Alex shook their head at him.

"No, Yang is not touching him." Alex says to them.

"Alex, I think..." Jo tries to argue as Rory looks at them.

"If that kid messed up, it's on her.She lets him think he runs the place.Why do you think he hacked up
Jimmy's heart all on his own?!" Rory says looking at them.

"Let's just wait until we get all the facts..." Owen says  as the twins grew frustrated.

"She's screwing him!" Rory says to him as Owen and Richard look at them.
Alex was on the phone to Rory as she was sorting out the twins as Jackson had gone to work earlier. "Jimmys wife should be coming by the hospital today she can take responsibility for him then since they're still married." Alex told his sister.

"Yeah sounds good. Where did daddy put your jackets?" Rory says talking to the twins as she looked around the living room.

"Dada." Everly babbled as Rory looked at her daughter with a huge smile.

"I didn't know she could say words." Alex says to his sister down the phone.

"That was her first word. You clever girl." Rory says as she picks up her daughter and kisses her cheek as Everly giggles.
"This can't be legal.You can't just call someone up
and say "he's dead" if it's not true." Naomi complained as Rory walked over to them.

"You told her he was dead?" Rory asks her brother as he shrugs at her.

"Well, he is dying.He's septic. His organs are failing.
He's got a few days at the most.Look, he knows you're coming." Alex tells Naomi.

"Who are you?" She asks looking at Rory.

"Aurora Karev his twin sister." Rory says looking at her brother.

"So, what, I'm supposed to sit in there, hold his hand,and kiss away his tears like he wasn't a complete bastard?That guitar belonged to my father.
Left me three of them when he died.Jimmy pawned the other two.One day, the third one disappeared.
And so did he." Naomi tells them.

"Look, it all started because he came in here trying to get clean... for you and Nicky.I mean, it was hell, but he did it.At this point, I think you're the only reason
he's still trying to hang on.Don't bail on him now." Alex says to her.

"I was with Jimmy for five years.I know what it sounds like when he's full of crap.You are 100% his son." She says looking at Alex.

"You don't know us. He's not Jimmy and he's nothing like him." Rory says angry as Naomi walked away from them.
Rory walked in as she saw Jackson looking over some patient scans as quickly kisses him as he smiles and kisses her back. "Hi to you too." He says smiling as Rory sits beside him smiling.

"I've got something for you." She says as she shows him the video of Everly saying dada as he smiles at it.

"She said her first word. Well at least it was my name." He says as Rory smiles at him.

"They're growing so fast." Rory says as Jackson looks at her.

"I know how you feeling about Jimmy?" He asks her as he turns to face her placing his hands on both of her legs.

"I'm okay I know he's near the end. Met his wife she stared saying Alex was like him and it just got me mad. But I'm not focusing on that because our little girl said her first word I wonder if I can get Parker to say momma next." Rory says as Jackson smiles at her as he leans in and kisses her as she kisses him back.
Rory went to check on Alex as she suddenly saw him attack Roos as she ran over to pull him off as Meredith and Cristina ran after her. "Wait! Alex, stop!" Rory shouted at him.

"Alex! Alex! Alex! Alex!" Cristina says helping pull the two of them apart.

"Alex! Get off!" Meredith says helping Rory get Alex off Shane.

"Ross, get up, get up!" Cristina says helping up the resident.

"Stop it! Stop it! This isn't the way." Rory snaps looking at her brother as he looked at her.

"Go!" Cristina said as she walked away with Shane as Rory looked at her brother.

"This isn't you." She says with tears in her eyes as she wraps arms around him as he does the same as they hug each other Meredith stood beside them.
"Alex? Aurora?" Jimmy calls out as the twins look at him.

"Naomi and Nicky are on their way." Alex tells him.

"They're coming?" He asks them as his breathing became erratic.

"They're on their way." Rory tells him.

"When?" He asks them.

"Their plane was delayed.I told them about the guitar." Alex says to him.

"They're coming?" He gasps again as Rory looks at her brother.

"They're coming.I, uh, told them about the guitar.
I told them...I to... I told them that... that you love them." Alex says to him.

"You-you told them?" He asks him.

"I told them.They know you love them. They know." Alex says to him as Jimmy begins to get agitated.

"It's okay.It's okay, Jimmy.It's okay. They know you love them.They know.You can go.They know. You can go." Rory says as she looks at him and then at Alex.

Jimmy continues to grunt as he begins to flatline as Rory bites her lip as she looks at Alex as the monitors continue as he turns them off.

"You son of a bitch." Alex says looking at Jimmy and then at his sister as they continue to sit there.

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