Chapter 113

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Rory sat Parker on the counter top as she finished tying his shoe laces. "There you go all done." Rory says as Parker smiles at her.

"Thank you mommy." He says as leans and kisses Rory's cheek.

She smiled at him as she picks him up from the counter and puts him on the floor as he runs off to find his sister.

Jackson walked into the kitchen carrying Tommy as he leaned down and kissed his wife as she kissed him back. "So the twins are ready so I'm going to take the kids to your moms and then I'll meet you at the hospital." Rory tells her husband.

"Why are you taking them to my moms?" Jackson asks his wife.

"She wanted to spend the morning with them before she goes out of town. Now give me my baby." Rory says taking Tommy who Jackson had got ready. "Everly and Parker say bye to daddy." Rory told the twins as she went to put Tommy in the car and then helped the twins as they ran out of the house.
Rory walked into the C.T suite as she got paged by Meredith. Meredith was sat with Blake as Rory looked at her friend. "What do we have?" Rory asks looking at the resident.

"Uh, patient came in with a head lac, g.C.S. Of 14, loss of consciousness at the scene..." Penelope says to Rory as she nods.

"Can you clear the head C.T. So we can take him up for an ex-lap?" Meredith says cutting her off as Rory looks at the scans.

"There's no shift, contusion, or bleed. It's a mild concussion. I'll do a quick exam, but he's cleared for surgery." Rory tells her as Jo walks into the room being in Rorys service as Amelia had Edwards's.

"Is this the pastor who gave his congregation a, uh... Special blessing?" Jo asks them.

"Word travels fast." Meredith says to them.

"All around the hospital." Jo says to her.

"Yeah, I bet the pews will be full on Sunday." Penny says as Rory stands awkwardly as the room went silent.

"Monitor for any neuro deficits. I will do another check, post-op." Rory says to Meredith.

"Blake, get him ready for transport." She tells the resident as Rory looks at her before heading out to her patients.
Rory walked to the scan room as she was paged by her husband. "Hey did you need something?" Rory asks him as she looks at Ben and another man she didn't recognise.

"Your wife is your second opinion?" Ben asks Jackson as she looks at the three men confused.

"Thank you Warren. Rory this Dr Nathan Riggs he worked with April in Jordan he brought over the little boy with Olliers disease." Jackson tells his wife as shakes Nathan's hand. "Nathan this is my wife Dr Karev." Jackson says as rory turns to her husband.

"What am I doing here?" She asks him as he looks at her showing her the scans. "Are they even operable unless amputation?" Rory asks to which the three surgeon looked at her.

"That's what I wanted to know." Jackson says looking at his wife. "You've worked with nearly impossible tumours do you think this is possible?" Jackson asks her as rory watched the scans a small smile on her face.

"You can't determine by the scans you'd have to look at the these tumours with your own eyes. You'll need to see it there's any viable bones first but there's nothing stopping you from trying." Rory says smiling at her husband to which he smiles back at her.
Rory stood watching Jackson as the had managed to collect enough bone to structure a hand. Jackson looked up as everyone was cheering but he looked for his wife as she was already watching him.

Rory stood clapping with pride shining from her face as she watched her husband. She felt flutters in her stomach as he search the gallery for her. Jackson smiled through his mask at the sight of his wife.

"Just got to believe good work April." Rory says looking at April who smiles at her as well as Nathan. Rory walked over to the intercom Jackson eyes still on her. "Good work Doctors." Rory says smiling at them.

"Rory?" Jackson says as she nods looking down at him. "I love you." He tells her as she smiles even brighter.

"I love you too now back to work Avery." She says shooting him a cheeky smile as he smiles at her before going back to his surgery.
Rory walked to Kamals room as she saw Matthew looking in. "Didn't think you were allowed up here?" Rory says standing beside him a small smile as he turned to her.

"Hey Rory yeah sorry I snuck up but this isn't your wing either." Matthew says giving Rory a small smile.

"That's true no I came to see how this guys was doing and don't worry if anyone asks I gave you permission to be up here. This kid has a chance to do so much more thanks to April and well Jackson too but it was her who believed." Rory tells him.

"Yeah she is something." Matthew says watching his wife as Rory looked at Jackson.

"I know her leaving hurt you but sometimes we have to take opportunities and grab them because who knows how long we've got. Maybe a war zone wasn't the best idea but it helped her find something more meaningful and it helped her find parts of herself. If you love her enough to give it another try then do it because we don't all get second chances and we don't all find the person we're meant to be with." Rory says as Matthew turns to her.

"Thanks Rory." He says giving her a small smile.

"Anytime." She says giving one last look at Jackson before heading back to her own patients.
Rory laid in bed with Tommy laid on her chest asleep as the twins were already sleeping in their own room. Jackson walked in smiling at his wife and son.

"Is he asleep?" Jackson asks getting changed out of his street wear and climbing into bed beside his wife.

"Yeah seems grandma tired all of them out." Rory says as she runs her fingers through Thomas's hair.

"Are you okay?" Jackson asks her as Rory looks up at him.

"If I told you I didn't want anymore children would you be angry?" She asks looking at Jackson as she watched his face carefully but it held the same look it always did when he looked at her.

"No if you don't want anymore than that's fine. I love you and we've got three beautiful children who I'm grateful for." Jackson says pressing his lips against her head as she laid her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you." Rory says as Jackson held her.

"You've got nothing to thank me for it's all you." Jackson mumbles as the two laid down slowly falling asleep with Tommy in between them.

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