Chapter 72

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Rory was packing the twins diaper bag as Jackson stood at the door of the nursery. "We're still not even going to talk about it?" Jackson says to her.

"There's nothing to talk about." Rory says to her husband as she grabbed an extra set of clothes for the twins.

"Rory your father who abandoned you is in the hospital that we own." Jackson as Rory turns to him.

"He's nothing to me. I left him behind years ago along with problems he left behind. I'm good okay I'm married to you an amazing man and amazing father. I have two beautiful children who I love with everything. I have a great relationship with my brother and I have a job that I love and I'm great at. I'm not that kid anymore and I don't need to relive any of that so can we please forget about it." Rory says as Jackson looks at her as nods as he walks over and kisses her.

"I just want to make sure your okay." He says to her as he wraps his arms around her waist.

"I know and I love how much you care but I'm fine Jackson really." She tells him as he smiles at her as he kisses her head as she leans in and hugs him.
Rory handed one of her files to the nurses as she heard a man calling her name as she walked to the door of his room as she saw Jo with Jimmy. "Aurora." He said with a small smile as she looked at him.

"Everyone calls me Rory. Only Alex calls me Aurora when's he's pissed at something I did." Rory tells him as Jo watches them awkwardly.

"Right Sorry Rory." He says correcting himself as she looked at him.

"Did you need something Jimmy?" She asks him.

"Your a brain surgeon you always were the brightest." Jimmy says with a small smile.

"Neurosurgeon and the others are doing pretty well too even after everything." Rory says to him as he watches her.

"I did the best I could." He tells her as Rory rolls her eyes.

"You didn't do anything. You left you were gone. Me and Alex we did it all. We had to raise two children and look after mom. She had an illness she needed help and you just walked away. I held your kids when they had nightmares because of you. So your best was nothing. Alex is a paediatric surgeon and I'm a neurosurgeon we did that. You just left." Rory says as she looks at Jimmy with hatred before walking away.
"He had a massive stroke.It could've dislodged
a blood clot in the carotid during the surgery.It's a rare outcome for any surgery,but it does happen.
We will pursue every avenue for rehabilitation,but I'm afraid that..." Rory says looking at the wife.

"You can't fix it?" She says with tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry." Rory says to her as she squeezed her shoulder in a comforting way as she took Jackson had give him a small smile as she left.
Rory finished putting on her shoes as she looked up to see Jackson smiling at her. "You look amazing." He says as he kisses her lightly as she kisses him back.

"You look very handsome." She says smiling at him.

"We're the twins okay with the babysitter?" Jackson asks his wife.

"Yeah they were fine we should get going." She says as she takes his hand as they headed to their car.
"Oh!"Mint to be." April went full out." Rory says to Jackson.

"What is in these?" He says open one of the boxes as a butterfly flew out of it.

"Oh, we're supposed to open those..." Rory says as he opens it.

"Oh, crap." Jackson mumbles as Rory laughs at him.

"When they kiss. I can't take you anywhere.Come on." Rory says taking Jackson hand as she pulled him inside.
Rory walked into the room where April was getting ready."How dare you say I haven't changed."Cristina says to Meredith.

"I don't have to justify my choices to you, not one." Meredith tells her.

"How dare you say I am the same person I was when I got here, before I knew Burke and Owen and you.Your life looks different because it's filled with
houses and husbands and kids.And my mine looks the same, but I'm not.I've changed. I'm doing this alone.And that's...that's just as hard as what you're doing.But I thought I would at least have you." Cristina says to her.

"I'm so jealous of you,I wanna set things on fire.You did what I tried to do, and I couldn't.And you don't even know how you did it.You have nothing but time and focus.You're not who we were when we got here.You are who we both set out to be." Meredith tells Cristina.

"And you've become something... we never saw coming.You are as good a mother as you are a surgeon.And I'm happy for you.But we are growing apart." Cristina tells Meredith.

"I know.And I don't wanna compete with you, but I do, because we're supposed to push each other and make each other better forever.Since the day we met, right?" Meredith asks her.

"Right." Cristina tells her.

"Okay. So then..." Meredith says as Cristina cuts her off.

"God, I know. I'm so glad because..." Cristina says as April gets angry.

"Oh! Shut up!Today is not the day.You two... super neat that you're working your crap out,but not today.
And you! You know what?Stop talking about adultery on my wedding day, because it is my wedding day!I should be feeling very special right now.I should be flounced and fluffed up and checked over and handed tissues and told not to cry with joy.
So just... you know what?Stop thinking about you,
and you make me feel special." April snaps at them as they all share a look.
Rory walked down the aisle after Arizona as she smiled at Jackson as he watched her as he smiled back. She stood with Arizona as Meredith and Cristina walked down with April following with her dad.

Everyone smiled as April walked down as she met with Matthew and they said their vows. "You may kiss the bride." The priest said as April smiled at Matthew as he kisses her and she kisses him back as everyone clapped and cheered for the couple.

Rory clapped smiling for her friend as her eyes met with Jackson's as he was already watching her as she smiled even brighter at him.

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