Chapter 115

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"Another early surgery?" Rory asks handing her tablet back to the nurse as she saw her husband.

"Yeah trauma came in I'm sorry did you get the kids to daycare okay?" He asks her as he leans down and kisses her.

Rory kisses him back. "Yeah but watch this." Rory says handing Jackson her phone as he watches Tommy dancing in the kitchen. Jackson chuckles at his son looking at his wife.

"He's looking more like you everyday." He tells her as she smiles at him.

"You think so? I think they all look like you." She says putting her phone in her pocket.

"No he's all you the big brown eyes and that smile to light up any room." Jackson says as Rory wraps her arms around his waist.

"He's our only brown eyed baby. Everly and Parker both have your green eyes which I love by the way." Rory says leaning up and kissing Jackson as he kisses her back.Jackson took Rory's hand before leading her into one of the on call rooms.
"Four crews of firefighters were trapped battling wildfires east of town. We have at least 40 injuries en route. I said we would take all of them." Bailey says as Jackson looks at his wife as she shrugs before he turns to Bailey.

"40? We're gonna hit capacity, and..." Jackson points out to her as she shakes it off.

"We will take all of them.We're looking at second-, third-, and fourth-degree burns, smoke inhalation, and some traumas. All non-critical... Patients, um...
Are being transferred to Seattle pres and Tacoma.
This entire hospital is now a burn-treatment center.
If you are a little rusty...Plastics will be available for consult,  but they will be in high demand and cannot be everywhere. If you need them..Residents, stay with your assigned attendings  unless needed in the burn unit or in the pit. Uh, everyone who is on call has been called in. This is an all-hands-on-deck situation." Bailey tells them all as they all head to set up.
Rory had back to back surgeries due to the fire and had just finished helping with some other patients. "I set the Mayfield. Let's just drain the clot and bring him back to the burn unit." Rory says to the resident and intern.

"Maybe it was, like, a classified mission gone bad." Edwards says leaving Rory confused.

"What?" Rory questions her resident.

"Hunt and Riggs. Maybe that's why he won't talk about it. Maybe it was like a secret mission, and one of them double-crossed the other." Edwards says as Rory rolls her eyes.

"We are not spreading gossip in my O.R Edwards." Rory tells the resident who shrugs her shoulders.

"Dr. Hunt's a sleepwalker and a sleeptalker, actually." Cross says as Rory looks at him.

"Enough!" She snaps at them tired of the gossip about one of her friends.

"It's not gossip. It happened. I found him in an on-call room totally asleep, standing there. He was all, "help, help!" It was freaky!" Cross tells them as Rory looks at him.

"What did he say exactly?" Stephanie questioned her intern.

""Do something," I think he said? I don't know. I was a little... I was scared." Cross says walking into the O.R.

"Wait. Cross..." Steph said following behind him as Rory shook her head at them.
Rory checked on her patient in ICU as she saw Owen walk away from Amelia as she followed after him shooting an apologetic look at the neurosurgeon. "Hey Hunt." Rory called out to him as he turned around stressed and frustrated.

"What is it karev?" He says as Rory holds her hands up looking at him.

"Look I don't know what's going on with you but I'm here if you need to talk. I've had the nightmares I've had the crying out in my sleep and the sleep walking so if you need someone you can talk to me." Rory tells him as he looks at her.

"I had a sister." He tells her as Rory looked at him hearing the word had which she knew what that meant as she looked at him.

"She died?" Rory questioned him.

"Something like that it's a long story but she was with me on the tours and with Teddy. Something happened and it seeing Riggs brought it all back. They were engaged or supposed I don't know. Do they ever stop the nightmares?" Owen asks her as Rory sits on spare gurney as he sits beside her.

"I still get them about the plane crash and the car accident and they feel real. But it helps talking with Jackson. I tried to bottle it up like I always have done but it got worse and one day I walked away from my kids and Jackson I didn't even think. At 3 in the morning I walked out if Jackson wasn't there I would have left my twin toddlers and my baby home alone." Rory explains to him.

"I just miss her all the time." Owen says as Rory looks at him knowing parts of her missed Derek everyday as well as Lexie and Mark.

"I know. But you've got to keep going for your mom and you know your sister would want you to." Rory says to him as he nods looking at her.

"Thank you Karev." Owen says smiling at her slightly.

"Hey no problem anytime you need someone I'm there." Rory says to him before she goes to answer he pager.
Rory picked Tommy up as she stood with him watching the waves crash against the ferry boat the were riding.Jackson had gone to pick the twins up from a play date.

"I know it's been a while since we last talked but life with three kids is crazy. I miss you everyday. I miss being able to talk to you about anything I miss going out with the kids and I just miss my best friend. But I'm okay I'm finally doing okay and I have the most perfect little boy in the world. I wish you got to meet him and you'd love him. Tommy is getting so big and the twins they are just theses little people full of personalities. Everly is the sassiest little girl with biggest heart just like her dad. Parker he's so stubborn and head strong just like me and Jackson. But he's so funny and his heart is so pure he would anything for anyone. And Tommy he's so smart and he's my brown eyes baby. Meredith and the kids their doing okay and Ellis is just the cutest she's so much like Meredith. Zola she's great she's perfect actually and Bailey it's like your still here. He's so much like you wanting to help everyone and protect his sisters. I hope your okay Shep." Rory says smiling up at the sky as she looks at Tommy.

"FerryBoat." Tommy exclaimed giggling as Rory smiled at him pressing her lips to his head.

"That's right sweet boy." Rory says smiling at him as he smiled back looking at the water.

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