chapter fifty-nine

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we knew what was under the surface

and lived like it wouldn't hurt us

but it hurt us


The day I've been waiting for since the day I started swimming has finally arrived. When we got back up to our rooms after breakfast, Harper and I found two suitcases at our doors, one for each of us. We carry them inside and Harper sets his aside while I place mine on the floor in the centre of the room.

"This has got to be the highlight of this meet," I say.

Harper just laughs. "And not the swimming?"

But I'm too shocked to respond. We open the suitcase to reveal way too much Speedo gear for one person - shirts, sweatpants, towels, swimsuits, racing suits, caps, duffel bags, water bottles, swim gear.

"Holy shit," I say, digging through piles and piles of gear. "I need to call my mom."

I reach for my phone and FaceTime my mom.

"Morning, sweetie," she says. "How have you been?"

"Mom, look!" I switch my camera to show her the box of gear on the floor. "That's Harper, by the way," I say when he is caught int he frame.

He waves awkwardly. "Good morning, Mrs. Beckett."

"He's my roommate," I explain. "He's really cool."

"Hello," my mom greets. "I hope my son hasn't been too much trouble."

"Of course not," Harper says. "He's a pleasure to have around."

"Well, I'm glad. Elijah, sweetheart, I have absolutely no clue what you're showing me right now."

"Wait." I switch the camera back to selfie mode and prop my phone up against one of the bed's legs. I grab the large box, dumping all its contents on the floor. "Look at all the Team Canada gear they give us!"

"Oh, wow. That's a lot of stuff," she comments.

"Look, everything says 'Canada' on it." I take out a black racing suit from its box and point to the word 'Canada' printed in white on the leg. "All of this has to be at least a couple thousand bucks," I say.

"That's very cool, sweetheart," my mom smiles. "You deserve it for all the hard work you've done."

"Four racing suits! Not just one - four!"

"Just wait till you see how many shirts they give you," Harper chuckles.

I spend the next hour unpacking at least thirty different shirts - some are t-shirts, some have long sleeves and a couple are even sleeveless - five pairs of sweatpants, ten caps - what am I meant to do with ten caps? - a few pairs of goggles, a huge duffel bag that I'll probably use as my carry-on, a water bottle, a few jackets, swim trunks and even a pair of sunglasses.

My mom tells me she has to go and Harper politely excuses himself from the room to let me to speak to her privately.

"I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. I don't even have the words." Her voice quivers as she tries to hold back tears.

"Aw, Mom. Please don't cry."

"You're working so hard and you're living your dreams," she says. "There's nothing better I could ever wish for you."

I feel tears brimming in my own eyes. "I couldn't have done it without you, Mom. I love you so much."

"I love you, too, sweetheart. I saw your press conference the other day, too," she says, wiping the tears off her cheeks. "Always say what you know in your heart is right. No matter how much they try to silence you or tell you to keep your opinions to yourself, you always stay true to yourself, okay?"

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