chapter forty-four

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so much love that the whole thing feel like a lie

i don't need nobody

to save me


What the fuck is going on?

"And when did you two move in together?" Charlotte asks enthusiastically before bringing the edge of her mug of tea to her lips.

"Just over five months ago now. Right, babe?" I stiffen as Oliver leans back on the couch and puts an arm around me.

I swallow the lump in my throat. "Right."

"You two are just adorable," Mom coos with a fond smile.

Oliver bends down to press a kiss against my cheek. "He makes me the happiest man alive."

It's only been a few hours since we arrived at my small hometown of Hilltown and, already, my family is head over heels for Oliver. A part of me buried deep in my chest was hoping they'd see him the way I did, hoping they'd force me to report him, to leave him.

But they love him and it breaks my heart.

Just then, Ella comes downstairs. "Joanna's finally gone to sleep."

"That took longer than usual," my mother comments.

Ella sighs, throwing herself down on the loveseat. "She's been fussy all day. I think she's started teething."

"Oh, boy. Is it time to pull out the teething toys?"


Ella doesn't carry the same energy she did six months ago. Maybe it's just because I'm around, but I think the baby is draining her out more than she'd like to admit. Her eyes are dull, dark bags hanging from them. Her skin is pale, like she hasn't been in sunlight for ages, and her hair is flat and lifeless, carrying none of the shine and volume it used to.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts, flinching when Oliver runs his hands up and down my arms.

"Well, I should get started on dinner," Mom says, setting her mug aside and wiping her hands on her thighs.

"Let me help," Oliver says, standing up in the blink of an eye. "I enjoy cooking - I cook all of our meals," he says glancing back at me with a warm smile. Liar.

"Sure, darling. It's nothing too complicated, just a..."

The two of them walk towards the kitchen, leaving Ella and I alone in the living room.

"Hey," I say, breaking the tense silence.

She nods. "Hi."

I swallow heavily. "How have you been? You know, with the baby and everything?"

"Alright. How have you been? You know, with the drugs and everything?"

I can't say I'm surprised she's still holding a grudge. I'm a danger to her child. "Alright..."

"Does he know?" she says, nodding towards the kitchen.

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