chapter twenty

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they say you can't fall out of love till you love someone else

'til then, guess i'll dance


"Do you have any classes this afternoon?" Omar asks, not looking up from his phone screen. His head is in my lap and we're both sit in my bed as I finish up an essay on microeconomic theory and he plays Subway Surfers. 


"Do you want to go out later? I don't usually spend Friday nights alone." It's been almost three weeks since I had to pick up Omar from that creep's house after he was threatened with a knife and he hasn't gone out since. I'm glad I didn't have to argue with him to make him see reason. 

"Mia invited me to go out with the photography club tonight," I look down at my best friend with a guilty look. "We can go out tomorrow, though," I suggest. 

"It's fine," he mumbles, clearly disappointed. "Have you two fucked yet?"

I frown and slap Omar's forehead at the obscene question, eliciting a loud smack that echoes in the room. 

"What was that for?" he whines, sitting up. 

"What was that question for?"

"I was just curious. I tell you about the people I'm fucking."

I grimace as I recall the wild stories Omar tells me on our way to lectures the day after a night out. "I never wanted to know."

"Well, I do." He cautiously rests his head back in my lap, still wary of me slapping him again. 

I roll my eyes before shifting my attention back to my essay. It's due tomorrow at midnight, but I'll be way too hungover to want to do anything tomorrow. "We haven't," I mumble after a stretch of silence. 

"Yet," Omar smirks. He flinches when I raise my hand to slap him again, but the blow never comes. "You two have been going out for almost a month now."

"I guess she just wants to take things slow," I shrug. "I don't really mind - I just want her to be comfortable."

"Such a gentleman," Omar teases. Suddenly, he sits up again. "Wait - how long has it been since you've had sex with a woman?"

The question throws me off guard, but I quickly recover and clear my throat. "I never have," I admit nonchalantly, never taking my eyes off my laptop screen. 

"You're a lady virgin?" Omar basically yells.

"A little louder, please - the people down the hall didn't hear you," I mutter. 

"Holy shit," Omar gasps. "Holy shit," he repeats between loud bouts of laughter. 

"Because you've had sex with so many women," I quip. 

"Um, yes?" Omar replies. "I was a raging lesbian before I identified as a gay, trans man."

My eyes widen, "Oh." Apparently, my reaction is amusing because there he goes again, laughing till he can't breathe and slapping his thighs so hard I'm sure the skin is red. 

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