chapter thirteen

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hurts me when i think about it

someone else being in your bed

i know i'm not so innocent

but the love i had for you was real

hope it hurts you when you think about it

but both of us just have to dip


That afternoon, I called Omar, begging him to come pick me up as soon as possible. I sat outside in the cold regretting what I wore that day until he showed up. The car ride back to London was silent until I couldn't hold back anymore and a pathetic sob ripped through my chest.

Why is everything so shit?

Omar pulled over and hugged my trembling body, promising me that whatever happened, it'll all turn out okay in the end and that I'm going to be fine. After I had calmed down a little, he suggested we stop at a gas station and get a shit ton of junk food that would probably give Stan an aneurism if he found out.

That night was spent in Omar's room, crying on his shoulder as I stuffed my mouth with Sour Patch Kids.

Then, Monday came along and I had to get over myself.

I walk into my first lecture of the week - Management - at nine in the morning after two hours of swimming my ass off. Stan spent about ten minutes chewing us out this morning because of an 'overall negative attitude in the team'. It was six in the morning on a Monday - you're not meant to have a positive attitude.

I zone out of the lecture and think about the dual meet next weekend. It's our first non-friendly meet of the season and it's a great chance to introduce myself to the world of professional swimming. It's very important that I make a good first impression if I even want to be considered for the Canadian national team.

I can't let what happened over the weekend fuck this up for me. I won't give him that.

My eyelids grow heavier by the second. The soft hum of the radiators and low, raspy voice of my professor ease my senses as the exhaustion from training and lack of sleep catches up to me. I definitely need to switch to afternoon lectures.

I don't even realise I'm asleep till someone taps my shoulder lightly. I jolt awake, only to be met by a warm, but nervous, smile coming from the girl sat next to me.

The first thing I notice about her is the colour of her eyes - piercing blue. The few pieces of her auburn hair that are pulled out of her ponytail and tucked behind her ear fall out of place as she tilts her head to look at me.

"I didn't mean to scare you," she whispers. "I'm sorry." Her voice is sweet and slow like honey.

"You're good," I mumble as I rub my eyes. "Thanks for that."

"Late night last night?" she asks.

"And a really early start this morning."

"You look like you need sleep," she remarks.

I smile. "What gave it away?"

"You can go if you want. I'll take notes for you," she says as she fishes out an extra piece of paper from her bag.


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