Hell of a Day

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Got A lot for you guys to make up some. No excuses. Just a longer than usual chapter.

Mika : And that Team 6 is how you complete a mission up top.

Mika raises her bandaged arms to have them slapped by her teammates. Another mission completed and they had just walked back through the gates.

Hanabi : Good work today team especially you Mika. I report to Naruto you all hit the sack.

Nightfall had set in leading the group to split off and began their ways home. When Y/N arrived he turned on the light and saw a figure on his couch. He drew his sword and flickered to the table in front of it and pointed the sword at the intruder.

Lizard : Good You're alert we have a job let's go.

Y/N : Hell no!

Lizard : This is what you signed up for. Now hurry up you have 3 minutes.

She gently pushed the sword away from her face. Y/N got himself ready seeing non-compliance would lead nowhere.

Lizard : How's Shiki, I miss the little guy.

One summoning later the dog ran in the room with him being coddled like a baby.
Then being given tummy scratches.

Shiki : Oh yeah that the spot.*Sneezes*

Lizard : Bless you.

Y/N : Shiki! I told you to make sure you don't sneeze shuriken around the house.

Y/N stood at the wall pointing at the weapon. Lizard was confused but impressed.

Lizard : A full bred ninja hound through and through aren't we.

Shiki : Boss taught me.

Y/N : Ok I'm ready. Say bye Shiki.

Shiki bid his farewells and proofed away. The new duo ran out of the village outskirts. And travelled through the trees.

Y/N : So what's the move?

Lizard : When we raided Maru's camp. We found some maps that lead to at least what seems to be a command point for the larger criminal underworld. We're to investigate and report any thing back to the leaf.

They landed on a tree and Y/N stumbled with his step.

Lizard : How difficult was that mission?

Y/N : More difficult than initially anticipated. I was looking forward to my bed. How far is this place?

Lizard : At least 1 more hour of traveling.

Y/N took a deep breath at the response.

Lizard : When we arrive at the location I'll give you 10 minutes to rest.

Y/N : So how long were you waiting at my place?

Lizard : About 25 minutes. I expected you home by then.

Y/N : Like I said mission was more difficult than we expected.
Mirai arrived at her home, bowed to her fathers photo hit the showers and then joined her mother for dinner.

Kurenai : So how was your mission.

Mirai : *Deep breath* Bitch.

Kurenai : Oh shit.

Mirai went on to explain the story to her mother. They initially were looking for a missing aristocrat. A simple businessman with an enough money to make him a kidnappers next target, which he was. They went to his home to find some clue and were able to find a weapon mark that Mika was familiar with.

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