Chapter 11 "In their own quirky ways."

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Chapter 11 "In their own quirky ways."

Saturday, 9 July 2022

5:34 PM

Izuku Midoria was first to Finnish, I was second. Izuku is worth 10, 000 points. A lot of people were avoiding me, I just sat in the corner and waited. Tokoyami walked up to me. "If no one else chooses you, would you like to join forces?" Tokoyami asked politely. I nodded in agreement. "Ok." I nodded as I stood up. Uraraka was teaming up with Izuku. I was talking to Tokoyami, Iida had refused to team up with Izuku though. A pink haired steam punk girl was teaming up with Izuku and Uraraka.

Suddenly, Izuku walked up to us. "Join me." He spoke calmly and clearly. "Ok." Tokoyami responded calmly, I just nodded in agreement. After the battles started, everyone immediately began targeting people, while I just used my quirk to make sure people didn't get too close to us. We flew through the air, I used my quirk to steal a 30 point headband and give it to Izuku. I was basically sitting in Izuku's lap though, I was too small to carry him. Everyone's headband had been stolen, except for Izuku's and Todoroki's.

"Todoroki, seems familiar to me..." I muttered as I used my quirk to produce feathers from my wings and try to steal other headbands. Dark shadow got seriously hurt by Denki's shock. I used the opportunity of everyone being frozen to steal more headbands. "Team Midoria has nowhere left to run!" Present Mike said over the loud speaker.

We have been avoiding the other side to exploit his weaknesses. "Shit, Iida can go turbo?" I muttered as I glared at Iida. "Looks like Iida has some secrets too." I muttered to myself. Izuku used his power to do a smash, causing Todoroki to use his left side. "IcyHot?" I muttered quietly as I used my wings to try to grab some headbands. Instead my feathers got incinerated by the fire. "The time is up!" Present Mike announced proudly.

"first place, Team todoroki. Second place, team bakugou. Third, team shinso." Present Mike announced proudly. "And in 4th place is team Midoria." Izuku was crying so much, it literally looked like a waterfall. "Are you sure your real quirk isn't waterfall crying?" I asked Izuku confused. He stopped crying and just nodded.

Izuku then got dragged away by Todoroki. I was using my skills to sneak up on them, I was right above their hiding spot, so they couldn't hear or see me. "You brought me here, now what?" Izuku asked quietly.

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