Chapter 6 "Game over."

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Chapter 6 "Game over."

Saturday, 9 July 2022

4:21 AM

I could see Shoto Todoroki overpowering the villains in the landslide zone. In the mountain zone, there were large electric bolts and loud sonic booms. Meaning Denki Kaminari and the earphone girl. I began to focus on the fight Infront of me though, Shigaraki had forced me to give his quirk back so now he could kill again. "No! Eraser head!" I shouted as the large Nomu held me back, before breaking my wing and disabling my quirks with my gloves. "First it was 24 seconds, then 20, then 17. it was hard to see when you were jumping around, but I found your tell. It's your hair. When it drops, it means you've stopped using your quirk. Your having to blink more often, don't push yourself too hard now, you might just fall apart!" Shigaraki chuckled dryly. "Wouldn't that be a shame?" Tomura asked as Eraser head began crumbling away.

Despite his injury's, Eraser head fought back and managed to push Tomura Shigaraki away from him. The other villains didn't stop attacking him though. I began to get angry, really angry. "Eraser head! Use the scarf! Save your quirk for someone who might need it later!" I shouted, but over the yelling of the other villains it was clear that he couldn't hear me. I tried using my wings to fly over to the water zone, where Izuku, Mineta and Tsuyu were sitting. No one tried to stop me, so I reached there safely. Except I had to hobble over due to my broken wing.

"No, Mr. Aizawa!" Izuku gasped. "Shit, the Nomu." I muttered quietly. "Izuku, you need to get the others to safety. The Nomu is too strong, that's their secret weapon! We need to warn All might!" I informed Izuku. He could do nothing but stare at the crippled teacher. "What do you think of him, Eraser head? He's the bioengineered Anti-symbol of peace, but you can call him Nomu." Tomura smiled from behind the hand.

Miekyla's (P.O.V.)

Iida had just run past the purple warp gate villain and gotten out. Uraraka had managed to use his weird armour to lift him up and make him fly away. Sero had used his tape and the strong one had made him swing around and lift off. Iida's going to call for backup, meaning that we could win this.

Falcon's (P.O.V.)

"I cant watch this anymore." Mineta said with his hands over his mouth. "Ribbit..." Tsuyu agreed. "Izuku, you need to leave. Not even your strong new quirk can beat him. I'm not sure that All might will be able to kill him." I informed as Kurogiri told Tomura began scratching his neck a lot. "He's stressed and worried about something. Help will be on the way, they think that they'll lose. But knowing Tomura he's not finished yet." I warned them. "Oh, before we leave. Let's make sure the symbol of peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride." Suddenly Tomura dashed for the 4 of us. "Let's make this hurt!" Tomura smiled as he reached Tsuyu and touched her forehead. I tried to stop him, but missed and landed face first in the water. When I got up, his hand had already made contact with her face. "You really are so cool, Eraser head." Tomura chuckled dryly. Izuku used a powerful smash, making everything either break, explode of push away.

Once the dust cleared, Izuku had a perfectly fine arm. But the Nomu had blocked the attack and saved Tomura Shigaraki. "That smash of yours is pretty powerful, are you one of all might's disciples? Doesn't matter, because I'm done with you now." Tomura asked, before the Nomu grabbed Izuku's arm and was about to smash his head, but the doors smashed open. All might walked through strong and as proud as ever. "Have no fear students. I am here!" All might informed as he walked through the doors. "He's here, all might." Izuku gasped happily. "Ah, looks like our games getting to continue." Tomura smiled.

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