Chapter 1 "UA Training course."

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Chapter 1 "UA training course."

Friday, 8 July 2022

8:36 PM

A couple moths later

"So, Izuku's training to go to UA, huh?" I asked as I quickly ate all the food that Inko had made. "Yes, but I'm worried about Izuku. He doesn't have a quirk." Inko explained as she began washing up. I helped her, using my quirk to put the plates and stuff away. "Would you like me to go watch over him for you, mother?" I asked calmly. "You... Called me mother?" Inko asked quietly. I thought for a second, before correcting myself. "I meant, Inko. I apologise for my mistake, it's just that yo-." Inko cut me off however. "Its ok, Sarah." Inko smiled as she continued with the dishes. "So do you want me to go follow Izuku?" I asked as I got ready to leave. "Yes please, Sarah. If it's not too much trouble that is!" Inko added quickly. I smirked at her. "Don't worry, mother. I'll be careful. As long as eraser head isn't there, I'll be just fine." I smirked as I stretched my wings, getting ready to take flight.

"Before you leave, please take this!" Inko was quick to stop me from flying off, I halted my take off and turned back to her. She was holding a small lunch box in her hands. I smiled as I grabbed it from her, I politely thanked her, before flying up and over to the UA training grounds. It wasn't as long of a fly as I thought it would be. I watched from the side lines as the matches began. I could see Izuku running around like an idiot. I made some feathers detach from my wings as I few around. I attacked some of the enemies that got too close to Izuku. The bots blew up after 1 feather, I chuckled at how easily UA's toys could be broken.

After a while a massive robot rolled out. I sat down and dangled my legs over the edge as I watched with interest. I could see Izuku running at the robot and jump unnaturally high. He then used some sort of smash on the robot, it sent the robot flying back, before exploding. I gasped quietly at this raw strength. I then noticed that Izuku's arm was broken and that he was falling... Falling fast. I gasped as I immediately leapt off the edge and pulled my wings closer to my body, making myself more aerodynamic. Once I was close enough, I outstretched my arms and caught him, being careful to not touch his arm. I could hear people talking as I gathered my feathers to create a large feathery cushion.

I used my remaining feathers to try to gently fly down, but I didn't have enough. I was only about 30 meters off the ground, so I would only break some bones if I land just right. I used the feathers to lower Izuku down carefully, I was now at his height, so I grabbed onto my feathers to prevent further damage. I was now only 10 meters away. 5, 4, 3. I let go of the feathers and dropped down, landing on my hands and feet. I made sure Izuku was safe, before releasing my quirk.

Izuku was already on the ground, so he didn't fall down or anything. I still didn't rest however as I quickly crawled over to Izuku and tried to wake him up. "Izuku if you die, mother's gonna kill me!" I hissed as I tried to shake him awake. "Izuku Midoria! Wake up this instance!" I shouted as I continued to attempt at shaking him awake. "Did you see that dudes attack? I didn't think he had that kind of strength..." A few voices muttered amongst themselves. "And who's the kid? They can't be eligible to attend UA..." Another voices. "Isn't that... No it can't be... Isn't that Falcon?" More voices. "No way! She hasn't been seen in months now! How does she know that green haired boy? What was the boys name? Izuku Midoria, that's what the kid said at least." There were so many voices that they all got smashed into one. I didn't stop trying to wake Izuku up though.

"Very nice, good work all around! Your hero's in my eyes, every one of you!" An old lady said as she slowly walked through the crowd. "Here, reward yourself. Have some gummies." The old lady spoke calmly as she began giving people the gummies. "Oh, um thanks." A kid thanked her, and she replied with, "Yes yes, don't eat them all at once, ok?" She continued handing out gummies to other students, while I had tears in my eyes. Izuku was hardly breathing. "That mademoiselle, is the heart of UA." A blond haired kid explained as he pointed towards her. The old lady walked right up to Izuku and observed him.

"Oh, my goodness! You were hurt this badly by your own quirk, sunny?" The lady asked confused. I growled as I hugged him closer to me. She didn't react, just puckered her lips and... Kissed him? Izuku opened his eyes shortly after as his arm began to heal seemingly on it's own. I stopped growling at her and starred up at her in awe. Izuku sat up, while I stood up. "Thank you so much for healing Izuku!" I bowed in thanks repeatedly, before the old lady dismissed me. She then kissed my forehead, and I felt some things shift back into place. I also felt really tired.

I didn't like the attention, so I got ready for flight. "Make sure Izuku gets home safely, mother will kill me if he's hurt." I then thanked the old lady again, before using my wings and flying back home.

Timeskip: Dinner time

"Snap out of it. Izuku, should I be worried? Why are you smiling at that fish? Should I be worried about you honey?" Inko asked worriedly. "Oh no! Just spaced out for a minute!" Izuku quickly explained as he began eating his fish. I had already finished my fish and washed, dried and put away my dishes. Izuku was squeezing a body building toy on the couch after he finished his food.

After a while, Inko decided to speak to Izuku. "It's kind of nerve racking waiting for the exam results to come back, huh?" Inko asked as she put her books away. "Yea, I guess." Izuku muttered to himself. "Well, whatever you get. Just know that I believe in you and I think your really cool!" Inko responded happily. Izuku just nodded in response. He was obviously deep in thought as he switched to a weight lifter. I began using his little one as he continued to use the larger one. It was to easy, so I put it back.

"Izuku they came, Izuku you got a letter! There here! The test results, from UA!" Inko gasped excitedly as she crawled through the door. I helped her up and used my quirk to send the letter to Izuku's bedroom. He quickly chased after it, and once Inko was upright and steady I quickly followed behind him. I only just slipped through the door after him, before he shut it. We began listening to it together as I hid in my wings. I could hear everything that was going on. This girl tried to give Izuku some points, because he got none. But there were other factors involved, so he got something called rescue points. After listening to that I immediately told Inko. We had desert after and it tasted amazing.

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