Chapter 2 "What I can do for now."

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Chapter 2 "What I can do for now."

Friday, 8 July 2022

9:41 PM

Timeskip: April

"Izuku, your all set?" Inko asked worried as Izuku got ready for school. "Yup, all set." Izuku replied as he zipped his bag up. "Are you sure?" Inko continued. After a while Izuku got up to leave, but Inko stopped him. "Izuku!" Inko stopped him in his tracks. "What?" Izuku asked as he turned slightly. "I'm really proud of you." Inko replied as she hugged Izuku. I was ready to follow Izuku, Inko had let me follow him to make sure he got there safely. I had obviously agreed, if I didn't then Inko wouldn't let me have and green tea. So of course I agreed, it's also an amazing way to keep an eye of Izuku.

After Izuku got to school, I didn't stop following him. As he ran to search for his classroom, I followed outside the window. My large wings cast a large shadow over where I flew. Once Izuku found the door, I flew outside and continued watching. The door was massive, as if it was made for giants. After Izuku opened the door, someone with blue hair walked up to him. I was sitting with my legs crossed, enjoying a bowl of popcorn. Izuku was definitely gonna mess something up. I just had to wait and see what it was.

Just then a girl with light brown hair walked up behind Izuku. I couldn't make out what she was saying, but she obviously caught Izuku off guard. As soon as he turned around, his whole face turned... light pink? "Izuku's blushing!" I squealed from outside. Izuku saw me and made a motion for me to hide, I just grinned and shook my head no. After a while of Izuku blushing, a weird yellow caterpillar crawled in. It moved and Izuku and everyone else froze.

"The caterpillar stood up and a beautiful human emerged." I commentated dramatically. As soon as he did however, I realised who it was. "Eraser head... Is he Izuku's teacher?" I muttered deep in thought. "Shit, this isn't going to work for me. I can't stay with the Midoria's, because then the hero's will come around asking for parental permission and stuff. That wasn't good, I could go to jail for everything I've done." I continued my thought, not noticing people were staring at me, until I had to narrowly dodge some of Eraser heads scarf. "Shit!" I cursed as I continued to dodge, using my wings to fly and barrel roll around. I turned a feather into steel and pinned some of the scarf to the wall, but I accidentally shattered the glass and the alarms went of. I cursed as I quickly flew away from UA. I dove into a familiar alleyway and used my wings to wrap around me and hide me in the shadows.

After about an hour I decided it was best to lie low for a while, so I flew over to my old abandoned apartment to eat the food that Inko packed me. It was amazing, so when I finished I immediately flew back to UA. The alarms had stopped a while ago now. Surprisingly, nothing had changed. So I easily slipped past the defence systems again. As soon as I did, I almost got hit by a literal flaming ball. I dodged it and hid close to Izuku's class. I could her some of what they were saying. "Today you'll compete in 8 physical tests to gauge your potential. Who ever comes in last has none and will be expelled immediately." Eraser head explained with a wide grin. The whole class was surprised and Izuku obviously couldn't control his quirk yet. I ignored the rest as I began thinking.

I only tuned back in when most of the tests were done. Izuku was the last one for the ball throw. I decided to watch extra carefully as he did his. He looked at his hand for a second, before throwing the ball as hard as he could. "36 Meters!" A robotic female voice spoke loudly and clearly. I gasped and almost fell out of the bushes. "I erased your quirk. The judges for this exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enrol at this school." Eraser head explained, his scarf lifting up and floating around. "Eraser head!" I shouted, jumping out of the bushes. I immediately go everyone's attention.

"I want to make a trade!" I shouted as I began flying higher then his scarf could reach. "Falcon..." He growled, his scarf shooting out for me, I dodged it easily. "He may not be ready or have control of his power, but please give him another chance!" I shouted at Eraser head. He seemed to stop his action, still erasing Izuku's quirk. "Were you planning on breaking your bones, relying on other people to heal your broken body?" Eraser asked as he turned back to face Izuku. "No that's not wha-." He got cut of by eraser head pulling him closer though.

"No matter what your intentions are, you would be nothing more then a liability in battle." I flew closer to hear better. "I'm sorry Midoria, but with your power there's no way you can become a hero." Eraser head finished as he let go of Izuku. "And you!" Eraser continued as he pointed up at me. "Come down and talk to me after school, meet me Infront of the school." Eraser finished as he stopped pointing at me. I only nodded as I continued to watch the exam.

"I returned your impractical quirk, take your final throw." Eraser head ordered. I flew down and stood up so I could continue, watching Izuku. I eagerly awaited his throw. He stared at the ball for a minute, thinking. Eraser head was standing right next to me, so it made me nervous. "I wonder if our teacher gave him some advice." a girl whispered to a boy with spiky blond hair and red eyes. "Probably told him to start packing." the blondie snickered. "I'm here, cheri." A guy with a belly button laser said dramatically. "Wait, who are you, again?" I asked confused. "Smash!" Izuku shouted. I immediately turned back toward Izuku.

"Mr. Aizawa. You see? I'm still standing." Izuku said while looking directly at eraser head. "This kid..." eraser head mumbled. "Deku, let's do our best in this combat exercise, okay?" the brown hair girl asked excitedly. "Looks like we're up against Team Iida and Bakugo." Izuku gasped. "You mean, I'm going to have to fight Kacchan?" he asked obviously trembling. I didn't know who 'Kacchan' is, but I was interested. I smiled and ran over to Izuku, hugging him tightly. "Great job, Izuku!" I smiled as he hugged back. "Thanks, Sa- Falcon." Izuku replied calmly.

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