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OC Info

Saturday, 11 June 2022

3:22 AM

Sarah ???: Falcon

Age: 6

Side: ???

Nickname: Husband, Birdie, Bird, Falcon and Raven

Skin Tone: Pale white.

Hair: shoulder length, Dark brown and messy.

Eye colour: Dark brown with cat slit pupils.

Clothes: Black/White/Red hoodies/jackets with a white shirt and black long leggings.

Quirks: Steal and Wild Wings

Steal: It allows her to steal another persons quirk, but she can only steal it if she touches the person. The original owner will be unable to use their quirk. She can choose to store the quirk and give it to someone else. The only time she can't is when the person either doesn't want it back or they have died. If the original quirk owner doesn't want it back or they die, it just makes Sarah's quirks grow stronger and gives them upgrades.

(E.G.: If she steals a fire quirk and the original quirk owner doesn't want their quirk back, Sarah's wings will have the ability to turn into fire.)

Wings Information: Sarah's wings have been dyed a black and white colour. She also has the ability to shape her feathers into long blades that can cut through steel. If she uses her special attack she can cut through up to 3 inches of solid steel. If she over uses her quirk, feather will fall out. If she loses to many feathers, she will become very weak and her wings will turn into small stumbles on her back.

She will not die, but will be left defenceless, depending on what quirk she has stolen before. Her wings will fully grow back after 1-2 days, depending on how damaged her wings are. Her wings are made of a Non-Flammable substance making her immune to fire attacks. She can use her wings to shield herself against attacks or the natural elements. Her wings are large enough to shield herself and 1 other person. Her wings can change into hard unbreakable metal feathers that can be used as an attack method. However if her wings are metal she cannot fly away.

Wild Wings: Sarah's Quirk grants her a set of broad wings which have been dyed black with white tips. which grants her the ability to fly at extremely high speeds. Aside from flight, Sarah can also telekinetically control each and every one of her feathers, she can launch them from her wings to serve a multitude of purposes, whether it be attacking villains or saving civilians. Her feathers are both light yet sturdy, and Sarah can take her lengthier feathers and use them as blades. On top of all this, Sarah can also use her feathers to detect sounds and vibrations around them, allowing her to locate people and pick up on chatter and conversations.

The more feathers that Sarah uses, the more her flying abilities are impaired. Furthermore, her feathers are made of a Non-Flammable substance making her wings in-vulnerable to being burned and/or destroyed, making Sarah immune against enemies with fire abilities. If all her feathers are destroyed then his main wings will regrow them in two days.

Miekyla ???:

Age: 15

Side: Hero

Nickname: Milky, Micky mouse, Mickey, Demon.

Skin tone: Light brown

Hair: Hip length, Dark brown and messy

Eyes: Dark brown

Clothes: Oversized purple pull over hoodie with black shirt, denim jeans, red shoes and white socks. 2 small red bows and 1 large red bow.

Quirks: Albino Demon

Albino demon: Miekyla's quirk grants her a set of 2 cute white little demon horns, a tiny pair of white demon wings and a small heart shaped demon tail. Her wings grants her with the power to fly. Miekyla has the ability to summon fire at will. If she concentrates hard enough then her fire will burn a bright blue. Her demon tail will move depending on her mood.

Miley Samishi:

Age: 16

Side: Hero

Nicknames: Ice queen, Frosty, Frost, Frostbite, Icicle, Icy and Elsa reject and Frosty the snowman

Hair: Long ash blond hair.

Skin Tone: Pale white

Eyes: Light brown eyes with black pupils.

Clothes: A black hoodie, white shirt and black sweatpants.

Quirks: Ice

Ice: Can manipulate ice to take any form she wants it to. Ice Manipulation allows the user to freely manipulate any and all nearby ice. They can freely gather, move, attack with, and defend with the ice they manipulate. She could also manipulate the temperature of ice, thus allowing him to freeze water into ice and giving him more ice to manipulate. Miley makes more ice by freezing water around him, which lets him attack on a large scale.

Ash Samishi: Caustic

Age: 17

Side: Villain

Nicknames: Gas attack, Jet power, Caustic, Ultra instinct butt power and Fart master.

Hair: Short ash blond hair.

Skin Tone: Pale white

Eyes: Aqua Blue

Clothes: White shirt, black shorts with a Dark blue jumper.

Quirk: Ignitable Chloroform

Chloroform: Uses Right hand to expel an ignitable Dark green sleeping gas, and used left hand to click and light it on fire. If someone breathes the gas in it will take 1 minute for a person to pass out. If exposed to the gas for too long, the affected person will die from suffocation. The range of this attack is a medium ranged attack.

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