" No charity I got it. The sooner we get done the faster we can go see your sister."

" Yay we're going to Adri" The boys shouted while doing their happy dance.

Jace, still upset, waddled behind Diane as she made her way into the kitchen. She glanced at her phone seeing missed calls and messages from Frank. She knew it was him because she had once answered him before believing it to be her mother and hung up on him once she realized. Taking that trip to see her mother a few days ago was a lot. A lot that she didn't necessarily wanted to deal with right now. She went there wanting closure, to close a open womb but left with fresh ones. It bothered her greatly that in all those years Elbernita lived sober and happy with her father, she didn't think to reach out. At first she felt it was the best, but soon as she stepped foot into that house, she saw pictures of her and her children from newspapers, school reports, social media as if they were some kind of family portrait. Elbernita was present through out those sober years laying doormat, not making a effort to be seen. If it wasn't for Diane showing up in Haxville, it's a possibility that Diane would never known who Frank was or would have ever seen Elbernita again. It seems as though they were content in staying away.

One thing at a time.

A couple hours later, Diane was able to get all four kids dressed and out the house with Charity being a lot of help. Now they were picking up food and movies to bring to the hospital per Adrienne's request.

"Wow! We get all these snacks, burgers, pizza and fries." Michael gasped as he helped carry bags for his mother.

"Don't forget cupcakes." Marcus whispered to his brother as he waited for Diane to give him something to carry. " Are we having a party mommy?"

" Not exactly, but sissy needs some cheering up and what better way than food and movies." Diane handed some lite bags over to Marcus for him to carry. Each of them had their own backpacks with toys, coloring books, or anything to keep them occupied. " I know for a fact y'all going to finish every bit of this food. Go ahead and start walking Charity. Marcus, Michael do not walk away from me. Hold my belt loops"

Once inside the boys got a little ahead of themselves and walked away from Charity and Diane. Diane with Jace on her hip called out to them.

" Boys come back." Diane called out.

" Mommy where are you? I think we're lost" Michael shouted back. The hallways looked the same to them.

"Maybe we should have held on to mommy's belt loop like she asked." Marcus said now disappointed in himself for not listening. They were just excited to see their big sister and see whatever one's talking about this new baby.

Michael saw a woman that looked like similar in stature to Diane and followed. He tugged his twin along with him so they wouldn't lose each other.

" There you are mommy."

The young lady swiftly turned around at the little voice. She was at the help desk looking for someone as well.

" You're not our mommy. Great Michael, you got us even more lost. We should have stayed where we were. Now mommy is going to be even more mad at us." Marcus fussed.

" Umm It's okay. I can help you. I have a feeling we're looking for the same person." The young lady spoke, she then turned to the young man at the help desk, who was waiting patiently for her question. " I'm looking for D..."

" I don't know you lady, come on Michael. Let's go back where we were and wait for mommy." Now Marcus being the one to tug his twin around began to walk back where they came from.

" Wait Marcus, You should stay put. This nice fellow can help."

The twins stopped in their tracks and slowly turned around. " Wait how you know my name Marcus?"

Drama Of A Teen (completed, unedited)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt