41. Fighting/ 9 months pregnant

Start from the beginning

He walked over to one of the beach chairs we had and took off his shirt while sitting down and closing his eyes.

I walked over to him and pulled my sundress over my head and throwing it at him. His eyes shot open and widen when he saw me.

I was in a black and white polka dotted bikini that made my breasts look fantastic. I figured it might get him talking but he just closed his eyes again so I just sighed and went to the pool.

I walked down the stairs and wadded in the shallow part with the kids. They all swam around me squealing and laughing as they played with each other. I looked over to see Conner still laying there with his eyes closed.

He can be such an asshole sometimes!

"Daddy come play with us" Taylor yelled and I was happy because he could never say no to the kids but he just opened one eye and then closed it again.

At that point I was seriously pissed off. It doesn't matter who you are you will never disrespect my children. Mama bear had her claws out but it would have to wait till later because I was enjoying my children.

After about an hour I decided it was time to get out of the pool so I quickly told the kids it was time to get out and they all got out then started chasing the dogs around the backyard.

While they were distracted I went over to Conner and slapped him as hard as I could. I probably wasn't handling my anger the right way but I didn't care.

His eyes shot open and looked at me.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"Why are you being such an asshole? I got it it's hot out but you don't need to act like an ass all the time" I said while crossing my arms under my breasts pushing them up even more. His eyes flickered down but then returned to my face.

"Elena get over yourself not everything's about you" he stood up and started to walk away when I punched him in his back. He turned around and grabbed my wrist.

"Touch me again I dare you" his eyes dangerous and his nostrils flaring.

I pulled my wrist free from him and stormed into the house but not before yelling to him to watch the kids.

I went into the kitchen and started making dinner. I decided today was a good day for hamburgers and fries so I quickly made it and then put it on the kids plates and put sprite in their sippy cups.

I walked back outside and went to the chair where I left my dress and slipped it on with Conner watching me from his chair.

"Babies dinner" I yelled and they all started running in. Conner followed after them.

They all rushed to their seats and started eating immediately.

I sat down in my seat and started eating while Conner stood there looking confused.

"Where's my food?" He asked and I shrugged.

He huffed before going and dishing up his own food and storming out of the room. I flinched when I heard his office door slam shut.

The kids didn't seem to notice that Conner was missing so I didn't say anything about it.

"Seconds?" I asked and they all quickly nodded so I grabbed all their plates and put more food on all of them before handing them back to the kids.

We all ate in silence before they were done and then it was bath time especially after hanging out in the pool.

Usually Conner did bath time since I couldn't kneel by the bath really well anymore and I couldn't really lift them in and out but apparently he was on his man period today so I had to do it.

"I'll do it" I jumped at his voice and I turned around to see him standing in the doorway. I just nodded and walked out of the room to go shower myself.

Just as I came out of the master bathroom Conner was walking into our bedroom.

I didn't even look at him I just walked to my side of the bed and grabbed my pillow and then a blanket from the chair in our room and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going Elena?" He sighed and I turned around and gave him a 'really' look.

"I'm obviously not wanted here so I'll just sleep on the couch tonight" I informed him and he gave me a look telling me 'no you're not'.

"Lena I'll sleep on the couch" but I held up my hand.

"No you obviously hate me right now so I'll sleep on the couch it's not like I've been sleeping much anyhow" I said turning around to the door again.

"Elena!" He said in a commanding tone and I slowly turned around.

"You are a week away from your due date you need to be in a comfortable bed and have a good sleep" he said with soft eyes.

"Why would you care?" I asked crossing my arms even though it was difficult due to me holding a blanket and pillow.

"Because I love you and I know I've been being an ass today but I have a lot on my mind" he said walking up to me.

He pulled me into his arms and held me before I pushed him away.

"You told me not to touch you" I said in a sassy tone and he took a deep breathe.

"Like I said I know I've been being an ass and I'm sorry for everything I said" he said giving me a small smile.

"Conner you can act like a complete assh.." I was cut off by a strong pain that took my breathe away and made me bend over holding my stomach.

"Elena what's the matter?" He asked and I could tell he was starting to panic I reached over and grabbed his hand trying to comfort him.

"Conner what I need you to do is get our hospital bag and call your mom to come over and watch the kids" I explained calmly still bending over and holding my stomach.

He quickly nodded and rushed out of the room.

He came back fifteen minutes later.

"Okay my mom has a 'friend' over" he said with air quotes and a disgusted look on his face I began to panic since his mom couldn't make it.

"Call Will" I told him and he nodded and rushed out again.

He came back within five minutes saying Will was on his way.

"Can you call my dad? I want him to be there" I said through tears because I was in pain.

Conner came over and kissed the top of my head.

"Sure baby to bad I already did" he smiled and I gave him a smile and a hug.

"Alright let's go" I said and he quickly nodded while rushing us out of the house.

Baby bee was on her way
The time is here!!

Ready to meet baby bee???

I wanted the chapter to be dramatic with excitement!!!!!!

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