Chapter fifty: The beginning of the end.

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The last chapter y'all🫠brb crying 😓

*A month later*

Feena had just gone into labor and they just arrived at the hospital. She was immediately placed on a stretcher with Salman by her side holding her hand as she grunted in pain.

"It's okay baby, just breathe. You'll be okay."

But she wasn't even listening to him.

As they prepped her, he also scrubbed in cos he wants to be there for the birth of their baby girl.

Yep, they're having a baby girl.

He had already called his parents, her parents, and her brother. His mom and sister were already on their way. So was kiki and her husband, her Aunt, and her cousins were also there in the waiting room.

Kiki felt how her friend felt when she was in labor.

After six excruciating painful hours, they welcomed their baby girl.

Feena could hear the cries of her baby girl but all she could think about was the pain she was going through! It was like someone set her down there on fire.

The nurse placed the baby on her chest to have skin-to-skin contact with her baby but Feena couldn't even concentrate because of the pain between her legs.

Whoever the fuck said you forget all of the pains when you see your baby is a freaking liar! Feena wondered why if this is supposed to be the most beautiful and natural thing in the world to give birth to a baby, then why does it feel like the worst thing to happen to a person?

"No, no take her away please." She cried and immediately felt guilty the moment the words left her mouth making her cry even more.

Salman kept kissing her forehead and telling her what a good job she did.

"See, I told you I'm not a good mother. Tun ba'aje ko'ina ba I'm already acting like this." She cried.

"This is very common for first mothers Ma'am. New mothers don't always immediately feel their bond with their baby, It's something that develops with time and you might just be tired. Which is why I suggest you rest, you need it." The nurse attending to her told the new parents with a smile.

"See? It's nothing. You just need to rest hmm?" Salman said and caressed her cheek lovingly. She had never looked more beautiful to him.

"What if it doesn't go away?" She asked scared.

"We'll figure it out. Go to sleep my beautiful Lion. I love you so much. Thank you for giving me the most beautiful of gifts." He placed a kiss on her lips as she slowly drifted to sleep.

Just then, another nurse handed him his daughter after having finished cleaning and dressing her. The baby twitched in his arms and his eyes welled up with unshed tears. He caressed her soft pink skin and immediately fell in love with her.

After five minutes or so, after he did the date and other traditions, he gave the baby to the nurses to inform his family of the good news.

As he stepped outside, he was met with the worried and tired faces of their family. He broke into a smile and told them the good news.

Series of "congratulations", "Alhamdulilah" and "oh my God", were heard from the excited family.

"Can we see them?" Kiki asked eagerly.

"Uh, not exactly. The doctors said like maybe in five hours as they both need to rest. I think you should go home and freshen up before then yeah?" It's not like he didn't want them to meet his baby, ofcos he does! But he wants Feena to properly meet their baby before any of them.

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