Chapter forty: Yasmin.

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Salman was confused when he was met with an empty seat. He caught sight of Feena's veil passing through people so he excused himself and tried to catch up with her, throwing "excuse me's" and "sorry" as he pushed through the almost crowded compound.

Feena fought back tears as she practically ran inside. She wanted fresh air but seeing as the outside is crowded with people, inside the house is her only option.

She entered an empty room downstairs and she was thankful she didn't find anyone inside.

Seeing Salman hugging that girl, brought back memories of Ibrahim and that girl, Anisa, or whatever the hell her name was.

Was this girl Salman's girlfriend? Or is he planning to bring another wife home? But could she blame him if that's the case? She was the one that was denying him his right after all and maybe he felt he should get someone willing to give him something she wouldn't.

She knows for a fact that the girl is not his cousin because she knows all of his cousins. Even if she was his cousin, that kind of hug is too much for just "cousins." There's a friendly hug and then there is whatever that was; the girl hugged him as if she had known him forever!

That's why she didn't want to open up her heart to him because this was exactly what she was trying to avoid. She could feel the tears flowing down her face and she didn't stop them.

Just then, Salman burst into the room. He locked the room with the built-in lock to give them some privacy.

"I've been calling after you." He said and made eye contact with her that's when he saw the tears. "What's wrong? Did someone say something?"

She wiped the tears from her face angrily. "Who was that girl?"

Realization dawned on him and he let out a little laugh.

This is amusing to him? Screw this.

Feena made a move to open the door and he pulled her back by the arm.

She jerked her arm away. "Do not touch me!"

"Why, are you jealous?" He asked with a tilt of his head and a hint of amusement.

No shit Sherlock.

"I'm not. Just leave me alone please." She spatted.

He came even closer to her till they were less than two feet away.

"Then why are you crying if you're not?" He asked firmly.

"Well... well because you're still my husband! How would you feel if you see a man hugging me like that and right in front of you!"

"I'll kill a man that day." He whispered, his voice dark from just imagining it.

"So then why would you do that right in front of me?" She said as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Please don't cry... ya Allah... it's not what you think..." he started to explain but got cut off by a stern voice.

"I don't want to hear it."

Salman took a step forward and she took two back till her back was touching the firm door.

"Tell me why you're bothered by it." He demanded, his eyes not once leaving hers.

"I just told you!" She mumbled.

"No. What's the real reason?"

"It's... I.. well..i..i.." she stammered and bite down on her lower lips. At this point, Salman had both hands on either side of her head, caging and hovering over her pressing her to the door.

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