Chapter forty eight: pregnancy brain.

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Salman, clad in his suit, entered his living room with a Salam after using his key to open the door His eyes tiredly wandered around the room before they landed on his wife's figure, making him release a sigh of relief at the sight.

He wasn't in a good mood because he got stuck in traffic for almost two hours after a very long day at work. But seeing Feena was already improving his mood and she didn't turn to look at him.

His peace of mind.

She had her back faced to him since she was watching tv... she didn't turn to look at him. He could see her small figure shaking a bit from where he was standing.

As he walked closer, he noticed the used tissues littered on the sofa. She held the box tightly as she shook from crying.

He immediately went to her side. "Subhanallah, Lion, what's wrong?" He asked as he sat close to her and placed his hand on her exposed thigh as she was only wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and shorts.

She didn't say anything and just continued crying hysterically. She shook her head but didn't stop crying.

"You're making me worried, love. Please stop crying?"

She nodded and raised a finger as of saying one minute.

She pulled another tissue from the box in her hand and wiped her face, she blew her nose into the soft tissue paper as her nose always becomes runny when she cried for some reason. She hated that Salman is here when she did that.

She could already feel a headache forming. She hated crying!

He let her calm down before raising his eyebrows in confusion and anticipation of what she might say.

"I.." she stared but her voice came out hoarse from the crying so she cleared her throat and took a deep breath.

"If you laugh at me, I'm going to kill you." She threatened and jabbed a finger on his chest making him raise his arms in surrender.

"So I was watching this Indian movie, the sky is pink and there's this girl that was sick and she died and it was just so sad because she had a brother and a father..." by the time she finished explaining the movie all in one breath, she had tears in her eyes again.

It was the pregnancy hormones.

"Is that why you're crying?" He asked with an amused expression and she nodded with a sniffle.

"You're so cute. Come here." He said with an amused expression and opened his arms where she crawled him and fitted perfectly.

He hugged her tightly and inhaled her sweet and mesmerizing scent. He had missed her so much. No, he didn't go anywhere, just work.

"I missed you." She mumbled from his chest, trailing a finger on his broad shoulders.

She heard him sigh. "I missed you more." He placed a kiss on her head.

"Baby missed you too."  She whispered and pulled away. She raised her t-shirt and exposed her bare six-month-old protruding belly came into sight.

The last few months have been nothing but beautiful chaos full of cravings, mood swings, a lot of crying, morning sickness, cramps, and everything In between.

Feena never thought she could miss having periods cramps but she surprisingly did. Period cramps were way better.

But Salman was there every step of the way. Helping her hold her hair if she wants to throw up, staying up late with her because she can't sleep, rubbing her foot, trying as much as he can to sure she got every craving she craved, and many more.

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