Chapter thirty one: taking one for the team.

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Salman was leaning on his car with his arms crossed around his torso. He was dressed smartly in a business suit like he just came back from work because, well, he did-he came straight from work. His jacket suit was buttoned up and you can see the light blue shirt peeking from underneath it. His black tie was seating nicely too. His bespectacled eyes showed signs of tiredness but still looked like a snack.

Feena wanted to go back inside but they'd already made eye contact. With heavy legs, she walked to where he was standing and stood next to him, mimicking his pose of arms crossed around the torso. She could smell his cologne from where she was.

None of them talked for about a minute when Feena felt his eyes on her. "What are you doing here, Salman." She asked softly, with a sigh.

"I thought it was obvious, I came to see you. You weren't returning my calls."

"You know I would be back in Abuja next week though right?" She asked.

"I know. I couldn't function properly not knowing what was wrong."

"Did you drive here?" She asked.

He nodded.

"Are you crazy?! Do you know how dangerous that is?!" She practically shouted.

"I needed to see you." He simply said.

Was this man crazy?

"Why would you do that? Do you even know how dangerous that is? Ya Allah...You could get lost or worst, kidnapped or an accident..." she yelled and face palmed herself.

"But I'm here, aren't I."

"Why didn't you catch a plane?."

"Thought this would be more romantic." He winked.

More like stupid.

"How did you even know where I live?" She turned to look at him.

He shrugged. "Your brother." Yusuf! That Conniving little...

"I didn't know you guys were best of friends." She said sarcastically.

"We're not. Now tell me, why are you avoiding me?"

"Me? I wasn't!" She was.

He rose a brow as if saying "really?"

"Uh, come in I guess." She said and led the way to her home. He did just drive from Abuja and he doesn't know anyone and she's not that heartless to let him wander about.

She led him to the guest living room downstairs and told him to wait for her. She went into the kitchen and brought back refreshments. She told him she was going to inform her mother that there was a man in her house... she didn't say it like that though.

"Mami, Ashe the visitor is Salman." She informed as she entered her parent's room. Her mother was watching a Hausa movie when she entered.

"Haba?" She asked surprisingly. Feena had mentioned Salman once or twice so it's not a foreign name to her mother. Although none of her family members have seen him besides Yusuf.

Unknown to Feena, Yusuf has been spoon-feeding their mother with gist every chance he gets. Turns out, her mom knows his mother, she was her senior in secondary school. And they went once went to Hajj together. His mom met Feena when she was like six or so. That would explain the hugs at Tahira's wedding.

Yusuf even told their mother that he was coming today.

"Yeah. He's downstairs. He wants to greet you." She informed. Her mom told her to go and seat with him and that she was on her way.

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