Chapter thirty: faceless

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Feena hasn't talked to Salman since that day he told her he liked her. She went back home the next day and she was glad cos then she won't have to see him Atleast for two more weeks which will hopefully give her time to process and digest what he said.

This was her fifth day at home. She was in their boys' quarters setting up the pendulum to make an order for someone. She was dressed in her overalls that she turned into a painting apron. She set her phone stand thing and set her work phone to record the process since people loved watching the paintwork; It's therapeutic and satisfying.

She carried another canvas and began painting, she wasn't particularly good at painting as she was just learning too from copying easy steps on YouTube. But she's getting better. She doesn't sell the ones she painted as she thinks they're not that good to be sold to people so she just gifts them to family members since they're also pretty to look at.

She was listening to a recitation by Mishari Rashid Alafasy of the holy Qur'an from the Qur'an pro app on her phone through her AirPods as she recited along with him as she paints. His Qira'a is one of her favorite ones. Listening to reciting the holy Qur'an gives her this peace of mind. She's way closer to her Dean than she was years ago, she loves that for her.

She was painting a portrait of a woman, a black woman, looking squarely at the viewer. Her kinky Afro hair stood on her head like the crown that it is. The woman adorned a yellow strap gown. The moonlight shone on her brown caramel skin giving her a glow. She also painted stands of hay-like plants near the woman.

Besides the outline of her lips and eyebrows, Feena didn't paint the woman's face, she just left her faceless. The painting was beautiful like this and she didn't want to ruin it by creating the wrong face.

Faces change as we grow over time and so does the person.

She took a short break to refill a different color onto the container on the pendulum.

She continued working on her painting of the faceless woman. She was determined to finish it that day. It took her four hours but she finished it.

When it dried by tomorrow, she'll hang it on her bed hangboarwd. Every living room in their home has her pendulum paintings to accessorize her mom's furniture.

She captured both the pendulum painting and the faceless woman she did on her phone. She kept them both dry and she went inside.

As she was walking back inside, She met Ussy on the way.

"Hey, bruv."

"Yane. I was on my way to call you sef, You have a visitor." He informed.

"Visitor kuma?" She sighed. She was a bit tired from what she was doing. "Do you know who it is?" She asked him. If it's one Alhaji she's going to punch someone.

"Nah. But he's outside. But motar shi ta hadu." He's a big car enthusiast himself so whatever car that was got him excited.

"Okay, tell him I'm coming." She went into her bathroom and quickly washed off the smell of paint from her body and changed into fresh clothes.

She informed her mom that she has a visitor and went out.

Double update cause why not💁🏻‍♀️

Manage this short chapter 🤌🏻

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