Chapter twenty seven: accidentally on purpose.

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Over the next few days, Salman became her chauffeur, not because she asked but because 'he didn't mind'.

He would pick her up from her office after work or from whichever location she went and take her to her second job, his cousin's wedding. At first, she didn't agree to it because... well she just doesn't like it. But she eventually gave in.

She could take one of her brother's cars since her car is back at home but she just preferred taking an uber wherever she goes. Mainly because she didn't know Abuja that well and there was a risk of her getting lost even though she knew her brother won't mind being her driver, she didn't want to disturb him. And they didn't have a driver she could use.

Well, now Salman is her new Uber. It doesn't bother her one bit... it should've bothered her but it isn't. Maybe he's trying to rekindle their old friendship and well, she could use a friend.

"Hello, darling." He said in his British accent as she entered his car which always smelled good.

The dinner was tonight and she and her team just finished decorating the hall so extraordinarily beautiful. Earlier that day was the walima but feena couldn't go because she had work. This project she was working on could take a month but spread out after every two weeks like she normally does.

"Hi." She curtly answered. He just picked her up from the site she was working in. He was to take her to their relative house where Tahira was staying to get ready for dinner so they could leave together. The girl begged her to be present as a wedding guest and you can't say no to a bride.

"What project are you working on." He casually asked, glancing at her briefly before turning his gaze to the rearview mirror. He knows she enjoys talking about her work and so he always asked her.

"I'm redoing a company's office..." and she went on and on telling him about what she was doing. Salman could see the shine in her eyes as she talked about what she does. He would say "wow" or nod every once in a while to assure her he was attentive.

"Do you want to see the 5D planner?" She asked and he nodded eagerly.

She opened the folder in her phone and showed it to him. "Wow! That's really really good." He commented as she access the pdf she showed him what the finished product of the office would become.

"Thank you." She said shyly. "I can't wait to finish and go back home."

"Oh? You live in katsina, correct?" He asked and she nodded, internally laughing at how he pronounced 'katsina' in his English accent. "I can't believe you've never been there."

"I never had a reason to. Until now." He said. And she pretended she didn't hear him.

"When are you leaving?" He asked.

"Next week."

He didn't reply. Soon enough they arrived at the big mansion.

Inside, only the bride and the bridesmaids were there and some groomsmen. They were all seated in the living room playing whot when they entered.

Tahira told her they were waiting for the makeup woman so they decided to play to pass time.

Most brides Feena knew would've been panicking but Tahira was laid back as she played whot with her mates.

The two of them joined right away for Feena never passed out on playing whot, it reminds her of her secondary days when they would all sit in a circle with her male and female friends and play. This was just like that; they were seated in a circle except this time, Feena didn't know anyone there except for Tahira, Salman, and two of the bridesmaid she had met the other day.

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