Chapter four: He called.

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"Okay, class dismissed." The lecturer concluded and students started trooping out as if waiting for his command. She turned to face Jameela since they studied the same course so they often sat together.

"Jameela, did you hear what happen to that girl that drank sanitizer because she broke up with her boyfriend?" Safeena could never understand some people.

"I heard o. Isn't it crazy?" Her friend sighed.

"Nah. That's just plain stupid. Why are Katsina people giving us a bad rep abeg... I don't like that." Feena hissed, remembering how people have been trolling her state.

"Ai shine. I pray I never love someone to the point of drinking sanitizer. Ameen." Jameela prayed, even joining her hands together and looking at the ceiling as she prayed to God Almighty.

"Like is it ment or malaria that's doing the girl? Cos I don't understand why she would kill herself on top man matter. What then would she tell her Lord? 'That my boyfriend broke up with me so I drank sanitizer'? That's crazy bro." Feena deadpanned.

"The worst thing is that the guy isn't all that. Like Astagfurillah have you seen him? He's not worth dying over." Jameela scrunched her face as she told her making Feena giggle because she did see the guy's picture and her friend was telling the truth 100%.

"Kuma Kinsan if she had died, the guy would still go after another girl... I'm not even sure if after all that he took her back as his girlfriend."

"I don't even know." Jameela shook her head.

"Sha may we never trend for the wrong reason." Safeena prayed and they both said, Ameen.

Just then, Musty, one of their course mate and secondary school friend-even though he was above them-, sat down next to Safeena as she was seating on the edge of the desk meant for 4 people so there was enough place for him to sit. The girls didn't mind.

"Ladies." He greeted.

"Musty, I haven't been seeing you. Did you replace me? I'm immensely hurt." Feena said looking at the tall guy seated beside her. They always joked they were each other's meant to be but he was like their older brother, him and  Ahmad who was nowhere to be found. Both he and the said Ahmad was a level upper than them, they were in their second to the final year while the girls were in their 200 level. Why they hang out with them, she never knew.

"Who born me?" Musty answered. "How dare I replace her royal highness."

"Good boy." Feena answered and they busted out laughing.

"Jam jam no talk today." To which Jameela rolled her eyes at him. "Don't call me that." They were always at each other's throats for no apparent reason and Feena enjoyed their small banter.

"Okay, Goshingo."The guy said referring to her wide forehead.

"Don't call me that either. Jeez." Jameela hissed. "I don't have your time please." She turned her head to the other side.

Feena and Musty almost burst out laughing at their friend.

" I have to get home early today. So I'll see you guys later. Kamala is already here." Feena stood up and started dusting off her hijab.

"Don't leave me with him." Jameela begged.

"He's right here you know" said Musty pointing to himself.

"I know." She shouted back.

"Don't worry. Rabi'a will soon get here and before she comes, try not to kill each other okay?" She spoke as if she was talking to small children. Although to be fair, they fight as if they were small children.

Musty moved out of the way as she exited the desk. He threw a "No promises." Her way and she blew fake kisses to Jamjam as if saying good luck.

Walking out, she sighted the car so she went ahead and opened the door and placed herself in the front seat after saying a salam. Throughout the whole ride, Kamala was making her laugh till her stomach started to hurt. The guy was really funny.

They reached home in no time. She went and greet her mom and dad before going to her room to freshen up.

She came back down and went to look for what to eat in the kitchen thank God there was still food so she ate and went to sit down in the living room. She changed the channel to Nickelodeon as she watched the marathon of the thundermans...granted she already watched every single episode there is but nothing good was showing on the other channels and she likes the thundermans.

The house was quiet meaning the kids were at islamiyya and would soon be back any moment from now.

She sensed the vibration of her phone indicating someone was calling her. A new number. She picked but didn't say anything. For some reason, she never talks first when a number she doesn't know calls her, she'd rather do the breathing competition.

"Hello? Safeena?" She immediately recognized the voice as Ibrahim's. Ever since she gave him her number she has been waiting for his call, a text or anything but she didn't get it so she left it alone, that was 3 weeks ago.

"Yea, who's this?" She knew exactly who it was.
"Ibrahim. Ibrahim Zaki? Hamisu's friend." Hamisu was actually the one friends with her brother. "We met at the hospital." He concluded.

"Oh. Ina wuni." She greeted. "Lafiya. How are you?"

"I'm fine Alhamdulilah."

"How's your brother's health?"

"He's now okay, thanks."

"I'm sorry for not contacting you earlier." He sounded genuinely sorry.

"No don't worry enough about it, it's nothing really."

They were talking for about 30 minutes and she was beginning to wonder if he had unlimited credit when she heard her sibling's commotion signaling they were back from islamiyya so she asked if they could speak later and he agreed.

Short chapter but I just wanted to update small😅so I guess it's something.

Q/A: would you drink sanitizer because your boyfriend broke up with you?

Me: hell to the naw!😂God forbid bad things sef.

Xoxo thatgirl_M_

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