Chapter three: wishbone.

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"Ya Yusuf?" Safeena called out to her brother while taking a spoonful of the rice she was eating.

They were seated in the living room, watching a cartoon that her majesty, Zee zee wanted to watch. the lot didn't mind as they all watched cartoons anyway.

Yusuf was seated on the sofa next to the one she was seated on, his attention on his MacBook, working. His sick frame didn't keep him from working despite mama's reprimanding but she eventually left him to work.

"Hmm?" He answered. His eyes did not leave his laptop for a second.

She finished chewing what was in her mouth and washed it with some chilled kunyan aya that Asabe made.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" She Asked despite knowing the answer to the question. She was pretty close to her brother she would know if there was a new girl. His last girlfriend was like 2 years ago and the girl got married to her father's friend...he's been pretty much single after that.

She could hear the annoyance in his voice as he answered, "Feena stop being so nosy..." he started. "your husband is in trouble on God" the girl was always up in his business.

"I just want to know what is going on with my lovely older brother is all" she said all innocently.

"Well if you must know..." he started answering as he typed whatever it was he was typing on his device, his eyes never leaving the screen. "No. I do not have a girlfriend and I ain't looking for one." Goodie. Feena thought.

"Well, we gotta change that! I mean who knows how long until mami's friends start to send their daughters over for introductions." Feena said.

"We?" He snorted.

"Yes, 'we'. We don't want just anyone as our sister-in-law and besides, I'm sure Mami have started talking to you about settling down." Just like every mother, their mom would often ask if he was seeing someone, even Safeena was not spared this question.

"Rest assured no one's going to bully me into getting married." He answered matter of factly. He's a 27-year-old adult and capable of making his own decisions and he damn well knows his parents aren't the kind of people to force their children to get married or arranged marriage of some sort.

"Any who..." she started, dragging the "who" as she goes, " I was thinking" she mentioned, waiting for him to answer which he gave a small "umhm" to indicate he was listening so she continued.

"What do you think of Kiki" She was serious about getting her brother and best friend together. She had always noticed a vibe between the two, especially how Kiki can't help but blush anytime his name was mentioned. How she always asked after him when she came over. She knows her friend is a good girl and her brother is perfect for her.

Operation make kiki her sister-in-law is a go!

The way Yusuf whipped his head in her direction made her believe he also felt something for her friend as seeing she have been trying to get him to take his eyes off that damned device but just her mentioning kiki made him stop. Nice. Safeena smirked.

"What about her?" He asked, all of a sudden interested in the conversation.

"Like tell me what you think of her"

"She seems like a good girl." He said with a shrug.

"She is." Feena bragged. "She's also single too." She said in a sing-song kinda way.

"Okayy?" He didn't know what to do with that information.

"She'd make a good wife don't ya think?" Safeena offered, smiling mischievously. It was then that Yusuf clocked what she was trying to do.

Mistake well madeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora