Chapter twenty nine: I know, and?

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"We suppose marry, cus you don make me fall in love, fall in love."

This was two weeks later and Feena was back to work. She just finished a project for this week and is going back to katsina tomorrow.

She was seated in Salman's car as they sing along to Fall in love by D'banj. Slowly but surely, Salman succeeded in taking down some of her walls.

She's so comfortable with him to the point of singing along to songs in his car. That's how free she is with him. It wasn't easy but he did it. It was no secret that he liked her but he never told her so she never assumed anything. Or maybe she sees that he liked her but just chose to ignore it.

"you are the love of my life You're the love of my life o I cannot deny o! I wanna make u my wife wanna make u my wife o" the both of them sang loudly along with the singer. Salman made dramatic dance moves from where he was driving.

"See I never thought that I'd find someone like you That would capture my heart and there is nothing I can do..." Feena sang without a care in the world not knowing Salmans's eyes are on her.

She bought out her phone and started snapping a Snapchat video as they both sang the song.

"See I used to brag to my friends that I'll always be a player, but since I set my eyes on you
Omo you don make me fall in love..." they both sang but this time, it was s'more like Salman professed and she just sanged. It sounds like he was singing the words to her.

"Fall in love X3"

"we suppose marry 'Cause you don make me fall in love... fall in love."

And they sang the rest of the song. "I miss hearing that song on God." She breathed.

"Haha right. Meant every word by the way."

"What?" She asked.

"What?" He asked her back.

"Stop the car."

"What, why? You lose something?" He asked slowing the car.

"Stop the car." She said again and he parked it by the side of the road. Suddenly, she was suffocating even with the A.C. on.

She opened the car door and breathed the air outside like her life depended on it and her breathing came back to normal. Salman passed her a bottle of water and she quickly chugged it down. She had a mini panic attack.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

How can she be okay after the bomb he just dropped? "What was that you said?"

"Are you okay?..." he repeated.

"No. Something bout you meaning those words? What did you say."

"I do mean them. I think it's no secret that I fancy you is there? I do want to make you my wife." He asked calmly.

Feena took a deep breath. "You can't like me."

"I do."

"Stop saying that! You don't get it, you CANT like me."

"Why do you say so if I may ask."

"We're not going to work."

"Won't know till we try."

"I know we won't."

"Why not?" Salman asked slowly

"Well, for starters, I'm a divorcee! Did you know that?"

He nodded "I know. And?"

Feena ain't surprised that he knows that, it's a small world after all. "Your parents aren't going to be okay with that." Feena said.

"Did my mom tell you that? They know too."

"Didn't you hear what I said? I'm a divorcee."

"I heard you loud and clear. And if I must say, whoever made the mistake of letting someone like you go should win the award of the unluckiest person ever."

Her eyes became a bit teary so he gave her a hankercjof from his pocket to dry her tears.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I can give you what you want." She sniffled.

"Why, is it because there's someone else?" He asked and she shooked her head.

"Do you not like me too?" He asked.

"I'm not saying that I don't..."

"So you do."

"I don't want to have kids. Ever." There, She said it.

There was silence for a while only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."

"There's no bridge to cross, don't you get it? I do not want a relationship."

She heard him sigh heavily before he said,

"I want your heart."

"I can't give you my heart because it's broken." She whispered barely audible but luckily, he caught it.

"Safeena..." he started but she cut him off.

" Just take me home please." She wiped her tears violently as he turned the car back on and drove.

And for the first time since she met him, there was an awkward silence.

He took her to Aliya's house and she exited the car before he even got a word out. Why did he have to do that to her? He didn't have to put her in that position!

She entered the house and Met Aliyu, Aliya's twin, going out. "Sup." He greeted.

"Sup." She greeted back. They've grown a lot closer with them seeing as she's around Abuja a lot. The then awkward silence are dissolving into gists. They're still not the best of friends but that's okay.

"Safeena, how was work." Her Aunt in law welcomed her. She was seating in her room when Feena knocked to greet her.

"Lfy Aunty. Ina wuni?" She greeted again.

"Lafiya lau. Come let's talk." She ushered and pat the place next to her on the bed.

Okay, weird.

"I hope all is well." Feena hoped, sitting down.

"No, everything's fine dear. I just wanted to give you a heads-up."

"Okay..." she encouraged her to continue.

"You know since you started working in Abuja, plenty of suitors have come to look for your hand in marriage right?"

Feena noded. She's turned so many people away both at home and in Abuja.

"Well I don't know if you know this, but people have been coming directly to talk to your uncle."

Feena bulged out her eyes in shock.

"Three eligible men have come to him. One is a minister, he has two wives from what I heard. Another one is almost as old as your uncle himself. The last one is a rich man that's looking for a wife. Now, the reason I'm telling you this is, unfortunately, your uncle wants to tell your father to get you married since you already have plenty of suitors. I know your dad is not going to heed him obviously, but he can influence him. I'm telling you a heads up so you won't be surprised when anything new arises."

Feena took a deep breath and thanked her aunt. Honestly, she doesn't know what people's problem with her is. Is she seating on her uncle's head? Abi it's because she stayed under his roof sometimes? Babu fa dole she can stop coming to his house if that's the case!

She doesn't even want to think about it. She's going back home tomorrow and Feena wondered what she would meet.

An update cos I'm cool like that.

Salman wannan Irin confessing haka 😂 easy na.

Btw, I love fall in love by D'banj😮‍💨

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