🔞 Chapter 43: I Will Hold Onto You

Start from the beginning

"Thanks." Taehyung softly laughs as he looks at the soju bottle.

"Do you see him?" Yoongi asks as people continue to stare at them.

"I don't." He answers quietly and takes a gulp of his soju.

I am going to fucking kill that bastard of an alpha. Yoongi grumbles and drinks some of his whiskey.

As Jungkook stands in his office, looking out of the window at the starry night with a glass of bourbon in his hand, his Beta walks into his office. He can tell that something happened at the matching event.

"What is it?" Jungkook asks and turns to look at his Beta.

"There is a submissive alpha that has shown up and has changed the dynamic of the night." The Beta answers.

"Submissive alpha?" Jungkook's brows raise as he thinks about the only submissive alpha he knows about.

"Yes, I heard that it is Kim Taehyung. Many alphas at the event are abandoning the ones they were courting to try to woo Kim Taehyung." Jungkook freezes when he hears Taehyung's name. He then sets his glass down and quickly leaves his office.

As the night slowly ticks away, Taehyung avoids and turns down every advance. When he sees that it is five minutes before midnight, he sighs and decides to leave.

"Hyung, let's go." Taehyung tells Yoongi and sets down his second soju bottle. "It's no use waiting for someone who is not coming."

"Works with me. Let me go to the restroom first." Yoongi mumbles and looks at his watch as he walks to the restroom. I guess it is a good thing that bastard didn't show his face. I would have punched him in the face.

"Ok, I'll be waiting in the car." Taehyung mutters and turns to leave.

When Taehyung steps towards a back exit, he freezes because Jungkook's scent suddenly wafts through the room. He quickly looks around the room and finds the alpha he was waiting for. 

"You came." Taehyung mumbles and looks at the alpha standing in front of him. For some reason, unexplainable frustration fills him as he looks at the true blood.

"Why are you here?" Jungkook asks and takes a step closer to the alpha that makes him lose his mind.

"I came because it was required. Plus, I thought that I would find myself a mate because I waited long enough." Taehyung snaps and glares at Jungkook.

"You are acting bratty." Jungkook growls at the younger alpha.

"I am entitled to act however I wish." Taehyung growls back and flashes his eyes red in irritation.

"Are all of the Kims as bratty as you?" Jungkook sharply asks as he stands right in front of Taehyung.

"Nope, only me." Taehyung grins and pulls Jungkook in for a kiss.

"Fucking hell." Jungkook growls as he nips Taehyung's bottom lip.

"I waited for nine years. I decided that I have waited long enough." Taehyung pants as Jungkook's lips roam down his neck.

"You're not the only one who has been waiting." Jungkook huskily whispers and bites Taehyung's jaw line.

"I knew that you would come when you found out that I am here." Taehyung moans as Jungkook's hand slips beneath his pant line and grabs his ass.

"You are a sneaky brat." Jungkook growls and pushes Taehyung against the wall of the large room.

"Now that you are here, I will not let you leave me." Taehyung tangles his fingers in Jungkook's hair and holds him close as he releases more of his lavender and coconut scent.

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