Chapter 35: I Have You

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"Yes you do!" Taehyung giggles at his father's silly facial expression.

Once Namjoon has safely dropped his family off at home, he goes back to work. When he walks into the company building, he groans in frustration.

"Can today get any worse?" He huffs when he sees his stepmother waiting for him. "Let's go to my office." He mumbles as he walks past her.

"It is one of my dearest friends' birthday this weekend, so I need to borrow the company plane for a weekend trip to the Tomi Pack." She demands once they are in his office.

"No." Namjoon curtly answers and looks at all of the work waiting for him on his desk.

"NO?! How dare you tell me no!" She shouts in anger which causes Namjoon to sigh in exhaustion.

"All seven company planes will be used this weekend. Book a ticket on a public plane. There are first class seats. You'll be fine there." Namjoon sighs and signs a few papers.

"What are they being used for?! Is it really that important?!" She screams as her eyes flash yellow in anger.

"Yes, they are really that important. Also, it is none of your business. Now, if you will excuse me, I have important things to attend to." Namjoon mutters as he waves his hand to dismiss her.

"Kim Namjoon! How can this be all that you place on my card?!" Siwoo bellows and storms into Namjoon's office.

"For fuck's sake. Why are all of the shitty people in my life suddenly showing up today?" Namjoon grumbles without looking up at his half-brother.

"This isn't even enough to last me a week! How do you expect this to last a month?!" Siwoo shouts and tosses the bank statements on Namjoon's desk.

"My entire family spends less than this in one month. You will manage." Namjoon sighs and flicks the papers away.

"Unlike your mate, my mate enjoys the finer things in life!" Siwoo mocks as Namjoon's patience wears thin.

"Keep up your bratty tantrum, and I will cut your allowance in half." Namjoon growls and aggressively signs a paper.

"How dare you growl at my son?!" The stepmother shouts and slaps Namjoon across the face.

"How dare you touch my mate?!" Jin snarls as he storms into the office. Through their link, Jin felt Namjoon's distress.

"What is a whore like you doing here?" The stepmother scoffs as Namjoon's temper snaps.

"NEVER call my mate a whore ever AGAIN!" Namjoon stands from his chair and shoves her against the wall of his office as his eyes glow a threatening red.

"Secretary Lee, please rid this building of them." Jin tells the secretary who quickly bows and calls security.

"And YOU, I will cut your allowance until you learn to mature a little! My own small children do not even think to throw such ridiculous tantrums as you! Until you act more mature than a ten-year-old, you will not receive more than ₩20,000,000 a month!" Namjoon shouts in anger as he gets in Siwoo's terrified face.

Jin knows that if those two stay any longer, Namjoon will use his alpha to force them to submit, and Jin knows that Namjoon never wants to force anyone to submit. So, he quickly makes the guards drag them out of the room.

Once they are alone, Namjoon angered pants fill the room as he tries to get a hold of his temper. Jin lovingly wraps his arms around Namjoon and rests his head on the alpha's broad back. Namjoon takes deep breaths as his mate's jasmine and vanilla scent overtakes his enraged scent.

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