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"Which one of these is better? The red one or the pink one?" He held up two lipsticks.


"Correct answer! You passed the test!" He turned towards his mirror and applied the pink lipstick.

"That wasn't a hard test. Your skirt's the same color as the lipstick,"

Komaeda giggled. "Who would have thought you paid so much attention to my clothes?"

"They are quite... eye-catching,"

"Are you calling them ugly?" He turned around, arms crossed.

"No! I'm just saying... most guys don't wear those kind of things. Not that it's bad, just... unusual,"

"I see I see. Most guys don't wear suits on a daily basis either though,"

"It's my uniform. Well, except for the tomato tie,"

Komaeda laughed and threw himself back onto his bed. "You're such a loyal bodyguard!"

Hinata chuckled. Komaeda was cute.

The pale boy stood up again and straightened his skirt. "Anyway, I have somewhere to go, so I have to walk to the train station." He walked towards the door and saw Hinata get up. "Ah... can you stay here..? Please? Just this once!"

"I can't, it's my job to always be by your side,"

"I won't tell anyone!"

"Sorry, but no,"


"Komaeda, I can't just not go with you,"

The pale boy sighed. "Just one single time! Please, I'm begging you!"

"No." He grabbed Komaeda's wrist as the other boy tried to walk away. "It's not like I want to annoy you, but it's for your own good,"

Komaeda huffed. "Then I'll just stay here..." He muttered. "Now leave my room! I still have the right to privacy!"

Hinata sighed and nodded. Komaeda was pretty angry, huh? Hinata wondered where he had initially wanted to go though.

A few days passed and whatever had happened didn't occur again. Komaeda did spend more time on his phone though. He was always smiling while typing something on it. Was he texting someone?

After several more days, Komaeda told him what was up. He said he had met someone and wanted to go on a date with him.

"I... I don't want him to be weirded out though like that other guy... I wanna go alone,"

"Hm..." Hinata put a hand to his chin. "How about this: you guys go to a restaurant and I sit at a different table, keeping an eye on you? You won't even tell him I'm there,"

"Isn't that a bit messed up?"

"No, it's not like I'm stalking him. I'm just gonna be doing my job, watching out for you,"

Komaeda smiled and nodded. "Alright!"

A week later, Komaeda was on his way to the date. He was nervous. Komaeda had told Hinata to wait outside for a minute before entering after him so it wouldn't seem suspicious.

He finally entered the restaurant and sat down at a table where he could see Komaeda's face perfectly. He couldn't see the other man's face though. Komaeda looked extremely nervous, scared almost. It was probably normal just because this was his first date.

Hinata could hear them talk. The other man had a mature and deep, but still friendly voice. He flirted a lot. When Smith had flirted with Komaeda, the pale boy had gotten flustered and embarrassed, but now he looked scared and creeped out. Hinata wondered why. It's not like he'd said anything out of the ordinary.

After hours passed and it got dark, the man offered to take Komaeda to his place, which the pale boy declined.

"We could go to your house if that makes you feel safer," He offered.

"I'm sorry, but I'm very tired,"

"We don't have to do anything big! We could just talk or watch a movie,"

Komaeda nervously looked at Hinata. "Ah... uhm..."

The man cupped Komaeda's cheek. Hinata glared at him, which he obviously didn't see. Komaeda was obviously uncomfortable.

"Don't be shy, Nagito. I don't bite... unless you ask me to,"

Komaeda gasped and blushed. "That's-! That's very bold for a first date,"

"So is you outfit,"

"Excuse me?"

"It's very pretty, but a bit... flirty, don't you think?"

"Huh? I'm really not showing much skin..."

"You're right. I apologize. I'm getting ahead of myself,"

"It's alright,"

"Still, I want to spend more time with you. How about we just... go for a walk?"

"I should really get home, my father will be worried,"

"You're an adult, you can decide when to go home,"

Komaeda looked angry all of a sudden. "You're... you lied about your age, didn't you?"


"Well... the light in the bar was very dim. You wore a lot of makeup too. It made you look young, but now you look... I don't even know... how old are you really? Because you're clearly not twenty,"

"How rude! Of course I am,"

"Quit lying and just tell me!"

He sighed. "Alright, fine. I'm thirty,"

Komaeda shuddered. "You're almost twice my age... I'm barely an adult,"

"Well, it's still legal,"

Komaeda got up, angry. "You're gross," He stated. Then, he looked at Hinata and nodded. The brunette got up and walked towards him. They both left the restaurant.

"Argh, I have such bad luck when it comes to love!" Komaeda groaned.

"How did you meet that guy?"

Komaeda sighed. "Don't tell anyone, okay? Promise it,"

"I promise,"

"I... I snuck out. I went back to the bar where I met Smith-san because... well, because I wanted to look for someone I might be interested in, but... that guy was a creep. I give up... I'll never find a boyfriend to go on cute dates with..."

Hinata nodded. "I see. Don't sneak out again, alright? It's dangerous,"


♡ Bodyguard | Hinakoma/Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now