Chapter 147: Dungeon Crawl

Comenzar desde el principio

Plundar: That's how we ended up here. 

Fungus: From the king.

Plundar: And that's why we're called the Lowly.

Fungus: For there is no one lower than us.

Korgran: Even the worms are above Korgran.

Wu: But how do you know what the King said to the Skull, after you fell into the pit?

Plundar: Oh, I was just guessing. I made that part up to give it a little more drama.

Styx: Uh, huh. Now that we're done with the whole story because I've already heard it two times now. It's time to-

Fungus: Villainous scoundrel!

Korgran: Evil King!

Plundar: Rotten numbskull.

Vania: Dad. (Everyone looks at her.) Uh, but you're right. He is evil. I know that now.

Cole: (Puts his hand on Vania's shoulder.) I made a promise a long time ago, that I wouldn't give up! Ever! And I'm not letting you give up. Our friends are out there somewhere, they need us! And King Vangelis is out there and he needs a butt-kicking! And the someone that's gonna do the kicking is us! So from now on, we're not the Lowly. We're the Upply! Because that's where we're going! Up! What do you say? Who's with me?

(In a flashback, Lou takes a young Cole to visit Lilly.)

Past Lilly: (coughs) Hi, honey.

Past Cole: Mom! (He runs to her and hugs her.) I don't want you to be sick anymore, Mom!

Past Lilly: I know. But we don't always get what we want, do we? Your father said you got into trouble at school.

Past Cole: Yeah. But it - it wasn't my fault! There's this kid, he's just - he's just a big bully! He's always picking on the little kids and -

Past Lilly: And you got in a fight.

Past Cole: I'm sorry, Mom. I promise, I-I won't fight anymore. I'll be good from now on. I'll make you proud! And- and-

Past Lilly: Oh, Cole. Don't you see? I am proud. I want you to promise me, Cole, that you will always stand up to those who are cruel and unjust. Always.

Past Cole: I-I promise, Mom. Always.

(The flashback ends. Cole, the Lowly, Wu, Vania, and Styx are transferring through the caves.)

Plundar: What are we doing? We've explored this tunnel a million times. If there was a way out of Rock-Bottom, we would have found it already.

Fungus: Come now, Plundar. It doesn't hurt to have someone take a fresh look.

Plundar: It's hurting my feet! We've been at this for hours.

Cole: (Sighs from the front.) I know I shouldn't be worrying about what they're saying. 

Styx: It's not their fault they've lost all hope after 10 years of isolation.

Cole: Exactly....

Styx: .....But?

Cole: But they could at least be a little more optimistic. (Looks at Styx who shrugs.)

Styx: Do not expect optimism from me, that was Crystal and Jay's job. 

Vania: (Scolding.) Are we having a tea time chat, or are we trying to escape this dungeon? (She catches up to Cole.) Another dead end?

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