It was my turn in line to buy ice cream. Oh no! The only money I had was in one dollar bills that I was keeping in my two-piece top! He’s going to think I’m a stripper! I cringed.

“3 strawberries, please.” I was blushing like crazy as I pulled the money out. As I turned to go with the ice creams in my hand, the sex god – I mean Lewis – called my name.

“So, Ana, do you want to go out sometime?”

I had a date with the sex god!

Lewis’s POV

Walking home, I couldn’t stop thinking about Ana. There weren’t girls like her in Australia. There, girls were always all over me and my mates. They were completely shameless, those girls. Even back at the beach here in Huntington there were girls like that. Those kinds of girls are too easy. That’s not my type. I wanted someone with a little self –respect, someone cute and sweet and hey, maybe even a little naïve.

I looked at my hand, just making sure her number hadn’t come off. Nope, it was still there. Her handwriting was so cute! And so was she. God I just wanted to grab her and kiss her…and maybe do a little more. Wait; back it up there, Lewis. You barely even know the girl, and now you’re just going on looks alone. She could be a complete bitch for all you know. But she seemed too sweet to be a bitch…But I could be wrong. What about Cara? I was completely wrong about her. But I still fell for her. That can’t happen again. First impressions aren’t always right….

Ana’s POV

I felt like dancing as I walked back to Pat and Amber. I’d never been asked out before! My first date would be with HIM! Even his name is sexy!!! Y’know, he did ask me out sort of fast, like I’ve only known him for what, 6 minutes? What if he’s a creeper? No he didn’t seem like one… but I’ll try being careful.

“Pat! Amber!” They came running to me, soaking wet and grinning like idiots. They grabbed the ice creams from my hands.

“We forgive you!” They assured me between licks.

We started walking towards the pier. The sun was still high in the sky and the beach was still crowded with tourists taking pictures of sea gulls. I rolled my eyes.

“Oh, so you guys will never guess what happened in the ice cream line!”

“What?” Patrick asked, his face covered in pink ice cream.

“A total hottie asked me out on a date!” Pat and Amber stopped walking.

“What??? Why didn’t you tell us immediately? Is he still here at the beach?” Amber screeched.

I scanned the beach for any signs of Lewis but I couldn’t see him anywhere.

“When’s your date?” Patrick asked.

“Um, I don’t exactly know. He just asked me if I wanted to go out sometime so I gave him my number. That was it.” It sounded sorta lame like that.

“Well he’ll probably wait 2 or 3 days before calling you. It’s like, a guy rule.” Patrick informed me.

“That’s true. Wait, how do YOU know about guy rules, Patrick? Aren’t you too busy choreographing dances to Lady Gaga songs to know a thing about guys?”

“Gosh Amber, that really hurts! I know a little about guys, from experience of course.” He winked at me. I tripped in a sand hole and landed on my butt. Patrick helped me up, while saying, “Oh come on, Ana! How do you expect to wear heels on your date if you can’t even walk barefoot?”

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