Final Incorrect Quotes

187 6 52

A/N: Will contain cursing!!! And just profane content


Kayla: I need a creepy friend to scare off all the other creepy people

Jocelyn: I would be honored to be that friend

Ollie: Quick question, is it "for fucks sake" or "for fuck's sake"?

Jax: ...Why?

Ollie: It's for an essay so it has to sound professional

Heath: Why spend hundreds of dollars on a therapist when one can simply swing a sword around for a while?

Jocelyn: Today marks the 10th anniversary of the time I fell off the swings at a park and some annoying kid said "What season is it? Fall?" I pray she's dead every single day.

Kayla about Jocelyn and Ollie respectively: The two genders are 'I no longer wish to be perceived' and 'I have to be the most fuckable person at the grocery store.'

Maxine: You don't need perfect people to make a perfect team. You need people whose flaws feed each other. It's - what do you call it?

Jack: Codependency.


Anna: You don't need perfect people to make a perfect team. You need people whose flaws feed each other. It's - what do you call it?

Devin: Codependency.

Jocelyn: Love makes people do stupid things

Maxine: I love everything!

Jocelyn: That explains a lot.

Sasha: I drank too much respecting women juice. I am now a lesbian.

Jax: Did you even listen to a single word I said?

Gilly: In my defense, I listened to about five of them and that's a new record for me.

Gilly: So this is it. This is how I die.

Jocelyn: Dang it! I wanted to be the one to kill you!

Prof. Olivina: Over my dead body

Devin: That's fine with me *cocks gun*

Ollie: Jax, can I take you to my therapist? Because he thinks I'm making you up

Kayla: I mean, sure, I have my bad days, but then I remember what a cute smile I have.

Ollie: I failed the exercise test

Maxine: How?

Ollie: They asked me to run and I said no

Jack: Here's some advice

Gilly: I didn't ask for any

Jack: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one that talks to me

Jax: My legs hurt and I don't know why

Maxine: Drink some water, stretch, and eat a banana

Jocelyn: Just cut your legs off

Gilly: *getting arrested*

Maxine: I'm sorry sir but that's our emotional support psychopath

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