Eventually (Gilly x Jax)

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A/N: I got inspiration off a fic. They're around fifteen here. Also it's not connected to the previous chapter.


"Pull that little stunt again or I guarantee you'll never ever be free from us and the Royal Court will hunt you down wherever you go."

The threat still hung up in the air as Jax stomped his way around the table. Gilly eyed the fidgeting boy sympathetically as he remained put in his seat even when Jax slid a chair out and sat.

Jocelyn whistled nearby. "Oh, he definitely pushed his buttons now." The witch was the only one who was delighted with how the boy had acted.

Ollie shook his head while shoving a caramel treat in his pocket. He had fought it back from Professor Sebastian. "Serves him right for not listening. Don't ever make Jax mad. Not a pretty sight."

Gilly watched as Jax took out books and scrolls as the boy he tutored obediently flattened and arranged them on the table. The poor boy was still shaking in fear. Jax didn't notice nor care, a scowl was still on his face and he didn't hold back on the assertive tone. Jax wasn't lying that the kid, Quincy, hid his clock; he was disheveled, clothes wrinkled and hair tousled, clearly woken up late. He probably hadn't eaten yet either. Perhaps the kid did deserve the scolding.

Gilly didn't always see him get mad though, not at her for sure. But she had to admit, a teeny tiny and maybe traitorous part of her found it really attractive when he got mad. Not that she would out herself for that. She caught herself before he saw her staring and went back to scribbling notes for Anna.

"I saw that," Jocelyn sneered. Gilly looked up and scrunched her nose in distaste.

"Saw what? Me taking down notes for Anna's research on Enchantasia Equestrians?"

"No, never mind. I did not see you making heart eyes at your dear best friend. No, not at all."

Gilly shot her a look before glancing around her to make sure no one heard. No way was she getting another teasing from Ollie and they would combine forces to rile her up. "Keep minding your own business," she hissed.

"As you wish, your highness."

Her head shot up.

"Oops, what I meant to say was, as you wish, thief."

Jocelyn was lucky Gilly didn't bring her arrows that day.


"Good riddance," Ollie muttered as Maxine dragged away a whining goblin. Quincy was packing his scrolls under Jax' watchful eye. Him and Maxine had to tutor other kids falling behind their class work. Jocelyn and Gilly were in the library to work on other things, Kayla was outside with her mother, and Ollie had nothing better to do and simply joined everyone else. Once the goblin boy belched out one last remark, the group of friends let out sighs of relief.

"This is way worse than dealing with villains," Jocelyn grumbled.

"Tell me about it, that little shit of Maxine's keeps taking my food!"

"You aren't even needed here in the first place!"

"To be fair Ollie, you shouldn't eat in the library," Maxine quipped. She was exhausted but never said anything bad about the kids. "You okay Gilly?"

"I can't strangle kids, Maxine," Gilly deadpanned. Paulo, the goblin boy, kept throwing his papers around much to the annoyance of the others trying to do their own work. She had to pry off the notes she had taken for Anna out of his grip and she was ready to throttle him outside the library's windows. It was a good thing Professor Sebastian reserved the room for tutoring, making them the only ones to hear the loud noise of Jocelyn's fireballs without any intervention.

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