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NOTE: This isn't a ship fic and it will never be, but if you don't like this one, skip to the end to read notes.



the act or instance of making or becoming different. Similar to: switch


They didn't get along at first.

"Quit it!" Gilly shrieked, pinning his right arm and wiggling her leg out of his grip.

"You promised to Your Highness you'd stay put!" Jack hissed, struggling against her hand blocking him. She was quite strong.

"Like I care what Jax says and you shouldn't too! I hate this class!" Feeling herself win against him, she wriggled free and lunged out to the door.

Jack's eyes widened. "Careful! Jocelyn put–"


"–a secret wire."

In a hurry, Gilly had failed to notice the invisible piece of string at the doorway. The unmistakable glint of Jocelyn's magic shimmered around the thin strip.

"I told you," he sighed. An arm wrapped around her torso, keeping her from falling. Jack placed a hand behind her back and righted her. "Even the Witch thinks you shouldn't start running out."

It was only a quick gesture, and Jack immediately retreated back into the room, grumbling under his breath. Gilly brushed herself, and crossed her arms. She felt obligated to say thank you, somehow.

Then she took a step forward and felt her boot loosen. Her head shot up and glared at Jack witheringly.

"Stinker," she swore, noticing the smirk hidden under his curtain of curly black hair. He was not nice at all.


Gilly frowned at the sight of the books piled up high above the shelf. Who would even try to read those when they're all covered in dust. She didn't have her wand to lift it out so she climbed up the ladder.

"Ugh!" she exclaimed in disgust. "Do they never clean these?"

She was halfway down the ladder now. It seemed too risky to jump off with a bunch of musty old books in her arms, but she didn't want to keep holding them any longer.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked from below.

"Oh, hey," Gilly couldn't wave her hands. "Just doing an errand."

Jack raised an eyebrow. "Couldn't you just use your magic?"

"See any magic wands nearby? Are you carrying one right now?"

Jack rolled his eyes and walked away.

Gilly continued on, gauging the distance with her eyes.

"Are you trying to jump?"

"Haven't you heard of the words mind your own business?" She glared at him as he stood at a far shelf.

With one final look, she hopped off the ladder. She assumed it would be a quick landing. She was still falling when Gilly realized she miscalculated. Oh that's going to hurt.

A crash sounded as books covered the floor and dust puffed around the room.

"Bleh!" Gilly coughed and wheezed. Those books were ancient!

"Get off me," A drowsy voice groaned. Jack lay down within the circle of fallen books, right under Gilly. She scrambled off him. 

"You're so heavy," Jack sat up and rubbed his head. "Ugh, now my head hurts."

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