Never in a Million Years (Gilly x Jax)

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a/n: this is a repost of my fic on ao3  which is also my very first FTRS fic published online go read it and leave me some kudos


"Seashells! Seashells! Straight from the seashore!" An old woman wearing a wraparound around her head shouted, a wide array of seashells on her cloth-covered table. Another stall was selling shimmering fabrics with ribbons, scarves, and hats strung above. One stall had smoke coming out, a long line of people waiting to buy whatever delectable treat was being sold. Gilly wove around the crowds while dragging her dress around, a hand inside her pocket to keep one arrow from ripping her clothes apart. They had ditched their uniforms to blend in with the crowd, Gilly much adamant.

 "I'm already a commoner! Commoners can choose to wear whatever they want!"

"But we need to look like normal teenagers," Jax insisted, tugging his hair. He was dressed as a baker's son, and Gilly had told him to wrap something around his head. To tone down his 'prince-ness' apparently.

"We are normal teenagers!" she snapped.

"Normal teenagers don't bring their bows and arrows to a festival." Jax poked her shoulder.

Gilly poked his shirt collar back. "Normal teenagers don't look prim and proper!" she tousled his hair some more. She pulled some strands and arranged them messily on his face. Then she folded his sleeves and pulled them back down to form creases.

"Commoners don't comb their hair neatly and button their shirt up, Your Highness," she snorted as Jax narrowed his eyes.

"And I believe commoners don't carry weapons to a festival if they have to pretend to have fun," he swiped Gilly's bow and arrow and raised it up.

"Jax! Put that down!" Gilly hissed and stood on her tip-toes as Jax raised it higher. Curse his growth spurts!

"You can use another weapon," he said. The girl glared at him, still struggling to reach it as she clawed through the air.

"Stop doing that!" Jax stopped himself from laughing as Gilly hopped to snag her arrows. He hopped in return every time she did, decreasing the space no matter how high she jumped.

"Ugh!" she groaned and watched helplessly as Jax placed it above a high shelf. There were no chairs in the room, and the levitation spells Gilly knew could only carry small things. Blast her lack of concentration whenever Kayla taught her some spells!

Jax felt bad as a defeated expression shone on her face. He sighed, sometimes he couldn't resist her. Actually, he could never resist her, she was too stubborn after all.

"Fine," Jax breathed, and grabbed one arrow from the pack. Gilly's eyes lit up. "One arrow, enchant it with your magic. Just let it be something useful." The moping expression on her face changed into a determined one. She whispered something under her breath and the tip of the arrow glowed.

"Done," she said triumphantly as Jax handed her the arrow. "I'll use it wisely." Gilly beamed at him, and Jax felt his stomach somersault. You're in too deep, hopelessly in, Ollie's voice tingled in his head. It was embarrassing to admit how one smile could affect him so much and he knew it, but he couldn't help it.

"I'm sure you would," he said, forcing himself to grin. Enough fawning, more talking.


Back at the festival, Jax followed the brown-haired girl around. They were supposed to act like normal teenagers enjoying the festival, hiding the fact they were patrolling the grounds for suspicious activity. They hadn't done much, Gilly barely stopped at a stall and they had eaten one thing. The tangy taste of sauce was still in Jax' mouth and he wondered if they should stop to buy refreshments.

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