Ever After High AU

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A/N: I hope anyone knows what EAH is! I loved that series so much and thought "Why not make an AU with the FTRS characters?"
I did not proofread this so I apologize for the mess.
Maxine Hockler's Tale: A Story of a Rebel

"Peaches no!" a young ogre screamed as a mud brown duck with a green beak chomped on a rake. "That's mother's favorite!"
The sun was slowly appearing on the sleeping forest, its warm rays peeking through the gaps of the crunchy leaves and branches of the oak trees. Maxine had woken up early to tend to their garden patch. It was trimmed well, the bumps of tomatoes, lettuce, and parsley tucked in the dark brown dirt along the right side of the path with the carrots, eggplants, and ginger at the left. Her parents weren't very good at cleaning the garden, so every time she returned back home for the summer Maxine spent every morning digging and raking.
"I am never bringing you out here ever again," Maxine scolded her duck. Peaches merely quacked in return, chewing on the remains of the broken rake.
She had gotten up extra early so she could have extra time to roam around the forest and talk to some of the ogres around before leaving for Ever After High tomorrow. Even if she was a bit mad at Peaches, she felt the buzz of excitement in her veins.
Maxine couldn't wait to see her friends. She had met Kayla and Ollie over the summer (although she was pretty sure Ollie wouldn't return back anymore after the nasty bug bite) and exchanged letters with Gilly. She only heard about Jax and Jocelyn from Gilly's letters, and longed to see all of them complete.
She was just removing her gloves when she heard her mother call for her.
"Good morning Maxine," Mrs. Hockler said. Her mother's skin was a sleek shade of green, Maxine taking her father's grey color. She had wispy auburn hair that reached her big ogre ears, decorated with three metal earrings. Maxine didn't look much like her mother, but their eyes were the same. Gentle and brown, they drooped softly on their faces. Although Maxine had a bad eye, she still managed to inherit her eyes from her mother. Ogres weren't perceived as attractive of sorts in the eyes of other creatures, but even to a common fairy tale, Maxine's mom was pretty.
"Good morning mom!" Maxine said, giving her a kiss.
"You're up early aren't you?" her mother smiled.
"Of course! Tomorrow's the start of the next school year, I obviously can't wait!"
Maxine was entering her second year in Ever After High, or Legacy Year. The year they were going to sign the Storybook of Legends, a pledge to follow their parents' fairytales. Maxine's father was the Troll Under The Bridge in the fairytale Three Billy Goats Gruff. Her father was proud Maxine was enthusiastic of following his footsteps, even if she was part-troll.
"Legacy Year right?" her mother prodded. Maxine nodded. "My, you are growing up fast."
Maxine beamed. She had just turned 15 that summer. She knew and understood a lot of things. From her classes, to the fairytale world issues, and her destiny.
Her destiny to terrorize three goats under the bridge.
Maxine's smile almost faltered. She shook that thought away.
"What time will the boat arrive again, dear?"
"11 am mother, just before lunch."
"Then I shall pack something for you."
"Mom, I can do it myself! Besides, I want to use your oven one last time."
Maxine's mother smiled lovingly at her daughter. "Of course, dear. It's just that, I want to dote on you once more. This year is going to be extremely important. Your future rests on Legacy Day now."
"I know, mom," Maxine said. "I know. I'll be fine! And I love my story anyway!"
It was a lie she had forced herself to say.
If Maxine was honest, she wasn't sure if she was fit for the story. Her father was huge, brawny, and wide, just like her. He could have anyone running away with just a glance. He also was cunning and a thief, something Maxine unknowingly was adept at. She had stolen jewelry back in her younger years, but she wasn't as witty and a trickster like her father. Maxine liked animals and loved making friends. Her ogre and troll classmates used to tease her for being so soft. She hated fighting, something trolls were good at for some reason. Exactly why she stopped the fights Gilly and Jocelyn started. She was also interested in fashion and writing, another thing the trolls and ogres would look down on her.
But it was her destiny to follow her father, whether she liked it or not. She hated disappointing her family; Maxine would never do that.
Even so, she still wished deep in her heart to be something else. To prove to others ogres and trolls weren't like that. That she, Maxine Hockler, was just a girl who loved making others happy.
"I know you do," her mother said. "I have a good feeling about this year." Her mother stroked Maxine's auburn hair. She hid a smile. Maxine's mother was another proof that ogres were nice too. Maybe I can prove to others that we can be like this. She may sign the book, but maybe, things were going to be a lot different if she took on the role now.
"Me too mom," Maxine said. "I have a good feeling about this year too."

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