Frog Prince (attempt 2)

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A/N: A lot serious than the previous one with oc's and whatnot.


"You want me to WHAT?!" she shrieked, slamming her hands on the table. Counted that the table was a stone slab elevated for the witch's trinkets to be placed on.

"No need for yelling 'ere," the witch hissed. "I said what I outta say missy."

"But—but it's!" Gilly stuttered. "Why do I have to do that? I'm not a princess for Grimm's sake!"

The witch chucked a lizard tail into her cauldron. Ollie winced at the noise the bubbling concoction made as the ingredient landed in.

"It's what the cauldron reveals. Cauldron ain't lyin' to me no matter what."

"Did you hear what I said? I'm not a princess! And we went all the way here just for—THIS?!"

The witch didn't react to her outbursts. Ollie didn't say anything but he swore she hid an amused look in her eyes.

"Least y'all had a journey 'long the way eh? Add that to yer experience on the dangers of life! He he he!" The witch cackled loudly, her husky voice trembling.

If experience meant almost being eaten by crocodiles countless times with the occasional poisonous snake, then it did have its purposes, albeit dangerous and life-threatening.

Gilly was miffed. "I still don't understand what you mean," she breathed. "Why me?"

The witch stirred a wooden ladle in the cauldron. The earthy, mud-colored liquid swirled around, bubbling, until they noticed a faint change in hue. Something much darker, but not an earthy black. No, a faint, brightly colored hue that was saturated by the concoction. Fairy magic, Ollie thought suddenly.

The witch had noticed him looking. "Ya get it little guy?"

Ollie frowned. Little guy? Really? He shook his head. "It's fairy magic isn't it?"

The witch nodded, interest flickering in her eyes. "Smart boy. It is, my cauldron works differently than yer dismal an' broodin' witches," she scoffed, and then spat out.
The both of them flinched.

"Can't really describe it to ya," she wiped her chin. "—but my prophesies work in a way that I get an idea when I see a speck 'a somethin'."

Ollie leaned forward to look at the cauldron. He wasn't a magic user, but he could at least focus and try to spot whatever it was. He saw the faint blue hue, and then noticed another one. Purple.

Like someone's hair stripe.

Ollie stopped himself from snorting out loud.

Gilly, the actual magic user, spotted more than that. "Yellow and orange, plus some colors I can't really see those all the time?" The witch nodded.

"But how would you know it was me?"

"Because only the most powerful witches can see more than colors; we can see images," The witch grinned. She had several missing teeth, and suspiciously, a lone shining one. Silver? Platinum?

"But clairvoyants aren't the most powerful of witches, except—" Ollie gasped. Suddenly it dawned to him all at once.

The witch studied him, and although she didn't say it, she nodded. "You really are a smart boy."

Gilly on the other hand, was confused. "What are you talking about?"

Ollie trembled. It did make sense how she was the only witch in the south. How she had already sensed them way before they entered, how the snakeskin tapestries depicted a scene from a book he knew, how despite the fact she was an old woman, her eyes were startlingly vibrant. Shining violet. Just like the witch who cursed the Frog Prince.

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