A Different Point of View (Gilly x Jax)

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Summary: Where roles are swapped and Gilly is a princess and Jax is a thief and it's pining via Jax POV because and they're around 16-17 here and...ROLE-SWAP.

Not proof-read sorry for the mistakes.

Sometimes he forgets she's a princess.

Before he met her, he thought of the royals as snobbish, stuck-up, and gullible fools dressed in expensive cloth and fabrics, with jewels, handbags, and other accessories worthy of being stolen. Okay that was probably Jax' idea of royals. They were just rich people he could steal from. He didn't understand how others praised or looked up to them ; they were just fancy phonies who had everything they wanted. Jax had to steal to survive, and frankly, if he had to admit, he was partly thankful for. Landing in FTRS wasn't a good thing granted, but it had led him to her.

Who would've thought a princess would get into Fairy Tale Reform School? The Fairy Tale Reform School committed to 'reforming' potential villains to goody-two-shoes? Jax scoffed at the idea of a school like that, but he still managed to land himself in it.

But a princess? What crimes could royals do? Besides pulling tricks in an all girls boarding school, stealing keys to open gates at night, running around with mud on their shoes; royals wouldn't do that!

Except she did.

Even if Gilly was sent undercover, she fit the criteria of the school. Brazen, bold, and defiant, something unlikely on princesses. Or according to how grown-ups would say; it really didn't matter to kids like them if girls wanted to be knights or boys dressmakers or other kids not wanting to be anything at all.

But her leadership, optimism, and planning, was vital to the group. Sure, she was bossy and often told Jax to behave. Sometimes he teased her for being so formal, and she would shrug and mouth, "It's easy to fake." She would reprimand the chaotic trio consisting of him, Maxine, and Ollie for straying away without notice again. Ironically, she would do the same things too, and Jax was always the one who reminded her in return. Despite her upright posture and neat and well-ironed clothes, Gilly was like Jax' equal in mischief.

They were both good at acting, using it to their advantage to create distraction. Gilly's wide knowledge of secret passages would benefit them from surprise attacks. Once, she popped up from a column and shot dead center at the heart of an enchanted iron golem sent by Rose. Oh and her archery? She wasn't adept at first, but she dealt with long range and fought at spots enemies wouldn't see and one shot from her arrow would bring them down.

And she was his first friend in FTRS. His best friend and partner in crime. She never used her status over him and their friends (Except for that time they got caught in a line and was stuck with a dingy boat and they fought for who would sit on the drier seat. Gilly batted her eyelashes at the ferryman and Jax was left scowling on a broken seat.) and promised that one day, she would convince the Royal Court to help the lesser citizens with her proposals.

Their friends thought she was joking, but Jax knew she wasn't. He thought of the same thing too. An Enchantasia wherein commoners could rule alongside the upper class. Jax didn't care about the class divide, because if he did, he would've never met the most important person in his life.

Perhaps he had always seen her as a best friend that he didn't prepare himself for what he was about to see.

All eyes directed their attention on her as she entered the room. Blue pastel and indigo, cotton and chiffon, brown hair with purple, and grace as she walked. Her gown wasn't flashy and her accessories were small, but one look and one would instantly know she was a princess.

She was meant to be a princess.

The world stopped around him. The whispers and murmurs of his friends went past his ears like static in the wind. His eyes were transfixed on the girl he called his best friend. Nothing came into his line of sight; the decorations, the people, the environment. Nothing but her in her blue dress and updo hair, with a tiara balanced on top, and a small smile on her painted coral lips. Her short sleeves revealed her collarbone, the flowers on her collar tickling and a jeweled choker dangling above, wrapped around her neck. No one would believe this girl brandished bows and arrows, rode on pegasi, ran from wooded and dirtied ground on muddy boots. No one would believe this girl was best friends with a thief. A thief who often forgot how she transformed during ball.

At that moment, Jax had forgotten their standing in life. He was a thief, she was a princess. He had a bleak future while hers was written. She could pack up and leave anytime she wanted; the Royal Court would still accept her no matter what. Even if she were to encounter problems, a soaking hot bathtub was waiting in her manor. Her family had plans for her, what was role in life, where she was supposed to rule, who she could marry.

Jax particularly detested the last thought.

No, he didn't care about their standing. It shocks him sure, but he remembers she would never ever abandon their friends. She would rather face problems head on than avoid them. Yes, Jax knows he's a thief and she's a princess. He knows she has a life planned out and his wasn't.

But she didn't follow this life planned.

Because she wanted to join their friends in their rigid journey in life, to choose a future they wanted, and to help them towards it.

He was her best friend, of course he knew what she was like.

But there was one thing that never sat well with him.

Gilly was an attractive person. Not only from appearances (Jax wasn't blind, Gilly is pretty), but from the inside as well. Her good qualities were what made her appealing. She still remained royal despite her actions, and there was a prospect Gilly would accept some things in her way of life.

One of which was the arranged marriage proposal given to her.

Now, she was walking down the steps to join her friends. Her eyes were bright when she spotted them, beaming wide that would give Jax heart palpitations. He wasn't good at concealing his feelings, especially if their relationship was tested in some way.

Clad in her royal wear, he had forgotten that there was a chance she would go to someone else.

He was so used to the idea of her being his best friend that he didn't realize that there was a chance she was a different label to someone else.

And a deeper side of him was too used to hiding another idea of her that often resurfaced when time called for it against his stupidity and cowardice.

Overkill. Jax had to be in love with his best friend who was a princess who may or may not even like him back.

Ollie would be so disappointed.

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