Incorrect Quotes Part 5

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Hayley: You're gonna hate yourself in the morning if you stay up late

Jocelyn: Jokes on you, I always hate myself in the morning no matter what!

Gilly: Nobody tells me what to do!

Gilly: And I wish they would, I have no idea what I'm doing.

Gilly: *dies*

Ollie: Alright, timer starts now

Kayla: I say two months

Jocelyn: Bullshit, one month

Jack: Nah, half a month

Maxine, horrified: What are you doing? Gilly just died!

Jax, ignoring her: A week.

Maxine: What if ducks threw bread back at you?

Jax: You'd have to duck

Jack: I hate both of you.

(random reference to Switched LMAO)

Ollie: I am very small

Gilly: And I have no money

Maxine: So you can imagine the kind of stress we're under.

Anna: You fight like my sister!

Jocelyn: I've fought your sister. That's a compliment.

Gilly: And once again, Jax and I saved the day

Jax: You didn't do anything. It was all me.

Gilly: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.

Raina: I'm an idiot.




Heath: If you're waiting for them to disagree, this is going to be a long night.

Ollie: Help, I just spilled ink over Jocelyn's star dress! How long do you think I have left to live?

Kayla: Ten...

Ollie: Ten what?

Kayla: Nine...

Kayla: *sneaks into the dorms at midnight*

Gilly: *turns around in a chair and flicks on the light* You want to tell me where you've been all night?

Kayla: I was with Maxine?

Maxine: *also turning around in a chair* Wanna try again?

Gilly: Well, well, well, if it isn't the very feelings I've been trying to avoid

Flora: Why are you two here?

Jax: I'm here to help

Gilly: And I'm here to make things worse!

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